The Imperial Party of The North Pacific


TNP Nation
The Imperial Party
Of The North Pacific​

Whereas, The people of The North Pacific in general and loyal subjects in particular have called for the resumption of the Most Holy Flemingovian Empire of The North Pacific, the imperial office, which has not been occupied for some time, shall be at the earliest possible opportunity recreated and invested in the personage of The Empress Astarial, who shall be tasked with alleviating the ills of the region and the body politic;

Whereas, the rights, liberties and freedoms of the people guaranteed by the constitutional governance of The North Pacific are under attack by a demagogic 'popular' party, who whilst appropriating the language of democracy assault the foundations of our polity and seek the removal of any magistrates who refuse to comply with their demands;

Whereas, to preserve those rights of ours we hold most dear an ultimate sovereignty must be so constituted that absolute and immediate appeal can be sought from said sovereignty, without the possibility of corruption or infringement of our liberties by those demagogues falsely claiming to represent the general will;

Whereas, such sovereignty can only take the form of an imperial personage the region must look toward the divine figure of Her Grace Her Majesty The Empress Astarial, First of Her Name, Defender of The Faith and Protector of The North Pacific;

Therefore, we, the loyal and true citizens of The North Pacific, in the grace of the one God Flemingovia, do hereby proclaim that we have considered it to be a duty to our great region to seek at the earliest opportunity the investment of sole legislative, executive and judicial authority in the imperial personage. We trust that our beloved Empress will take upon herself the duty of ruling this region in fit and proper manner, and divest of such powers as she wills to those most able to govern it in her name, whilst confirming to us our traditional rights and privileges.;

To this aim we declare our intent to contest the coming elections to the judicial bench and, having secured control this esteemed body, enact such rulings as necessary to bring about the creation of a regime of a broad character matching that expressed above.

All hail the Empress! Long may she reign!
And I note, fellow citizens, even whilst openly and publicly declaring my intent to conduct a coup-detat, I am not the most pressing threat to this region. Or even in the top ten. That would be the gang attempting to overthrow the court and election commission.