Statement Clarifying the Persona Non Grata Policy Against Milograd

The North Pacific prides itself on taking it’s alliances seriously and in working towards a foreign policy goal of GCR unity rather than division.
In times of need, the South Pacific has been there for us, it is only fair that in return we should support them. When Milograd couped the South Pacific and began to purge the region, the North Pacific was there and as asked under our treaty swore to put all of our military and diplomatic power towards liberating the region and returning it to the rule of the legitimate government.
A few months ago a threat was issued that might have led to a disruption of Krulltopia’s reign as Delegate of the Pacific by pushing Rothinzil, a loyal member of the NPO into the Delegacy. The South Pacific, and the North Pacific along with others, came to aid the Pacific out of respect for it’s sovereign government led by Delegate Krulltopia. This threat proved to be only a distraction from the real events of Gameplay at the time.
We take making war on our allies seriously. For our citizens it is an act of Treason.
This government declared Milograd persona non grata and therefore unwelcome as a foreign envoy. At the time, none of the cabinet imagined that Milograd would be appointed by another GCR to a senior role in Foreign Affairs so soon after the coup. It was unthinkable to us at the time, that the Pacific, a region known for it’s commitment to GCR unity in recent years, would appoint Milograd to such a senior role in their government.
We regret that the Pacific believes that our refusal to accept Milograd as an envoy to our region has damaged our relations to such a significant level. It is particularly bizarre when we have been nothing but forgiving and open towards the Pacific, despite its failure to support the South Pacific and the strong involvement of some of it’s members in the coup of the South Pacific.
The North Pacific continues to desire unity in the Game Created Regions. We feel that it is beneficial to all involved, and important that the dialogue flowing between Delegates and heads of government helps to grow mutual trust in order to further mutual prosperity and peace.
We find we need to make clear that when Milograd broke with the Coalition and tore down their flag, he was authorized as a Foreign Envoy within the TNP forum, representing the South Pacific. It is this authorization which was immediately rescinded. However the Persona Non Grata status is applied to Milograd, not the South Pacific.
The North Pacific has long recognized duality, within certain limits. As a rule, however, when persons use the same name across multiple contexts, dual citizenship is a better paradigm than duality of personas. More definitively, when the same nation is used, there can be no discussion of duality in the first place. The nation of Milograd betrayed and terrorized the South Pacific, and now resides in exile in the Pacific. We do not take offense that this has been permitted, though we are not impressed, as such, either. We do not accept, however, the notion that the Vanguard of Milograd today is a different Milograd from the Chairman of Milograd last month. We do therefore hold the actions of Milograd against our ally against him even despite his relocation.
We do not appreciate being called liars by Senator Gaspo. Previously, I, Jamie, had announced that I was unwell and posted a brief statement after comments that I was taking too long to respond. I also said quite clearly that I was open to discussion and compromise on the issue.
Given the response by the Pacific, we stand by our decision to declare Milograd persona non grata in The North Pacific. Just as the Pacific has the right to appoint it’s ambassadors, The North Pacific retains its sovereign right to refuse to accept an ambassador and request that another be appointed.
We continue to feel that we would not be supporting our ally enough, with all of our diplomatic ability, if we accepted Milograd as an Ambassador. We hope that this clarifies the position of the government of The North Pacific to the Pacific.
Jamie Anumia,

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Minister of Defense

Special Advisor to the Delegate