
Prince: Zander (Alvalero)

Speaker of Riksdag

Deputy Speaker: Apollo
Riksdag members

Forum: http://balderns.net
Elections Department
The first round of Riksdag elections under the new, shortened, term length have recently wrapped up. With a shortage of willing candidates, Charles Cerebella, then King of Balder, stood for and won election into the Riksdag. Other candidates elected to the 3rd Riksdag include: Govindia, Libetarian Republics, Apollo, North East Somerset, and Prince Zander. All candidates received Unanimous support, save Libertarian Republicans, who abstained voting for himself. The Riksdag proceded to elect LR as its new speaker. LR appointed Apollo as Deputy Speaker.
Elections for Monarch of Balder have also occurred this month, with Cold Ice and Rachel Anumia fighting it out for the position. Rachel Anumia, the root admin of Balder came out on top, winning the election and becoming the first Queen of Balder.
Rachel launched a strong campaign with her running mate Zander, that was well received by the region.
Queen Rachel:Zander and I hope to take the region further, by continuing to build upon our progress and to have a plan capable of leading us to greatness. In terms of leadership, my style is about team building and getting people excited to contribute. We want people's opinions and ideas, from within the Riksraadet, to the Riksdag, to the citizenry. As such we will utilize Nordic Hall more as a way to gauge ideas and work on making sure we’re as accessible as possible. It’s about being inclusive.
Balder is excited to see Rachel on the throne of Balder, and we wish her the very best of luck.
Long Live the Queen!

The Queen takes her throne, joined by Charles Cerebella, left, and NES, center.
The Queen Nominates her Riksraadet

The Riksraadet chamber has been renovated to fit the expanded membership.
Her Nordic Majesty, the Queen, proposed her Riksraadet to the Riksdag within hours of winning the election for monarch of Balder. Foreign Affairs will be led by Former King of Balder, Charles Cerebella, a respected GCR politician and highly experienced in the fields of diplomacy and military gameplay. North East Somerset was appointed to Security, having recently uncovered a FRA infiltration in Ainur, NES is well suited and highly qualified for this role.
Both Fuzzy and Cold Ice were retained in their roles, Culture and Internal Affairs respectively. Queen Rach also appointed two newer members of Balder to her Cabinet, Isidor to the Ministry for War, and McMasterdonia to Media or Information.
All nominations except McMasterdonia's received the unanimous approval of the Riksdag. Govindia opposed McMasterdonia's nomination for reasons that are unclear at this time.
The new Riksraadet has quickly set to work and looks forward to a bright and prosperous term under the leadership of Her Nordic Majesty, Queen Rachel.
King Charles' End of Term Address and Regional Honors
At the end of his term, as required by the Basic Laws of Balder, King Charles addressed the Riksdag a final time, providing a comprehensive report on his term. During the address, King Charles noted that through the culmination of his term, the region of Balder has continued to progress. He further noted that Balder has become one of the most stable GCR's and the Monarch has reached and maintained an endorsement count of more than 100 endorsements. He praised the citizens of Balder for enhancing the community and strengthening ties abroad. King Charles added that the future of Balder should be focused on creating sustainable activity throughout the region and that, as a whole, the region should focus on building its cultural identity. As he felt this not to be his forte, he decided not to run for another term. He left Balder a stronger community, and his continued service in the Riksdag and Riksraadet will only benefit Balder in the future.
King Charles wrapped up his address with the regional honors. For the position of Jarl, Balder's most prestigious award, the King nominated former King by Night. The Riksdag quickly and unanimously approved this nomination, making King BN the second Jarl of Balder. King BN was also nominated for and approved as a forum administrator, proving invaluable in the redesign of the forum skin and layout. This was unanimously approved by the Riksraadet.
Balder - Europeia Cultural Event
In the middle of April but lasting nearly two weeks, Balder hosted a joint festival with our new allies Europeia. Over 500 posts and many new friends were made. Members of both regions learned how to count in Norwegian, a daunting task that our very own Norwegian breezed through. In the totally not biased flag competition, Balder's flag was rated as the better flag. Overall, it was a great amount of fun and we hope it leads to greater regional co-operation and an even greater friendship.
The Treaty of Lübeck (TNI-Balder Treaty)

Celebrations marking the ratification of the Treaty
In Late March, the Riksdag approved the The Treaty of Lübeck, an agreement between the regions of Balder and The New Inquisition. The treaty is broken into four sections.
The first section, titled Military Undertakings, states that neither will engage in hostilities toward the other, not including incidents where the regions are on opposite sides of a military conflict. Basically, it specifies that neither region will directly attack one another.
The second section, entitled Intelligence Undertakings, specifies that neither region will spy on the other and any intelligence deemed pertinent to the security of the other will be shared. The treaty criminalizes the act of such espionage in each region.
Diplomatic Undertakings, the third section of the treaty, establishes both in-game and off-site embassies in each region.
In addition, the final section gives General Provisions of the treaty. Namely, this treaty supersedes all other prior treaties between the regions and also calls for a cultural festival to celebrate the ratification of the treaty and the continued friendship between the regions.
Balder's Secrets*
NES and Queen Rach - Marriage on the rocks?
Rumours have been circulating around Balder, that since Rachel Anumia's election as Queen, her marriage to North East Somerset has hit rock bottom. Queen Rach is apparently looking to the horizon, with numerous suitors and two unmarried gentlemen at the head of two of Balders allies, King Feux of Lazarus and Frattastan of The Rejected Realms. King and Queen of Balder and Lazarus seem to be the most likely scenario, but what will happen to poor old NES?
Minister for War caught on the Job?
A senior aide to the Minister for Culture, Fuzzy, reports that he had to rush poor Fuzzy to the hospital after a heart attack brought on by the shock caused to him in a late night visit to his office on Friday evening.
All that is known to Balder Tonight is that the scandal involves the Minister for War, Isidor Stark, and the young deputy Culture Minister, Alicia DiLaurentis. Could this be the one time that Culture and War smash together and create a beautiful love story? Only time will tell.
Defender Cerebella?
Since retiring as King of Balder, there has been significant speculation that Charles Cerebella is set to join the United Defenders League with the goal of becoming its new Chief of the Band following Unibot's retirement.
Cere's fathers, cousins, gardener spoke to Balder Tonight saying "Charles doesn't simply see it as a change of direction, but he sees it as a responsibility. Charles is a man of tradition. It is his duty to follow the precedent set by other retired GCR Delegates; he must take up a job as a Chief in the United Defenders League."
*little to none of this is likely true