The UDL Times is hiring

Former English Colony:
I'm assuming you've come up with some stupid acronym just so you can say you're writing for the UDL everyone knows?
Nah, it's a UDL paper, just not sanctioned by the UDL government. Kind of like how the NY Times is not sanctioned by the city or state government of New York. We speak truth to power - power in this case being the UDL government. :yes:
I'd suggest Durk rename this newspaper, someone might end up filing fraud charges ;)
King Durk the Awesome:
Milograd and Karpathos are accepted. DD too i guess. :P

Now, start writing articles on behalf of the UDL that make the UDL look bad. Be creative! Gogogo.
I think they do a good enough job of that on their own :rofl: