- TNP Nation
- Blue_Wolf_II

It has recently come to my attention that a rather disturbing series of events has occurred involving several members of the United Defenders League and the North Pacific Army. It appears that Ravania, a high ranking Lieutenant in the UDL and a low ranking Private in the North Pacific Army, has been taking information from the private areas of the North Pacific Army forums and passing it on to the United Defenders League.
Unibot, founder of United Defenders League, has issued a statement, found here, in which he apologizes for this leak of intelligence and hands out several rather meaningless two and one week temporary demotions to several UDL members. The United Defenders League denies sending Ravania into the North Pacific Army as a spy and claims he was acting on his own motive.
However, what the statement by Unibot declines to mention is how the NPA came to find out about this information. As it turns out, Eluvatar, a Lt. in both the UDL and the NPA, found the leak and choose his loyalty to TNP over that of the UDL, passing proof of the leak to the Deputy Minister of Defense, Scandigrad. In response, Unibot immediately Dishonorably Discharged Eluvatar from the UDL ranks. This Discharge did not last, as the rest of Unibot's Lt.'s immediately protested and, begrudgingly Eluvatar was re-instated into the UDL with full rank intact.
I can very confidently say that had Eluvatar not provided us with evidence of a UDL high ranking officer stealing information (in fact at least an entire thread worth of private NPA conversations in PDF form) that no one within the United Defenders League ranks would have come to the North Pacific Army or the North Pacific Intelligence Agency to report this leak, and Ravania would continue to steal information from the NPA to provide to the UDL, officially authorized by the UDL or not.
I feel that swift and decisive action must be taken in response to this incident, so I am issuing the following edicts:
-North Pacific Army Private Ravania is hereby dishonorably discharged and I am directing the Attorney General to pursue appropriate charges against him.
-North Pacific Army Lieutenant Eluvatar is hereby promoted to the rank of Major for his efforts in uncovering this security leak.
-The UDL in-game embassy is here-by ordered to be closed, the on-forums embassy is to remain open.
-The North Pacific Intelligence Agency will hereby form a team to investigate the leak, determine if this was the first of such leaks, and if not, determine how much secure information was stolen, who it was given to, how it was used for, and on whose authority was it stolen. I will be naming an Agent to head up that investigation shortly.
-The North Pacific Army is hereby prohibited from working with the United Defenders League in any official capacity for the period of three weeks, ending the first hour of 10APR2013, Greenwich Mean Time. Any NPA member found to be circumventing this declaration will be demoted one rank per offense. Joint UDL-TNP citizens are exempt from this declaration.
Thank you for your time,
-Blue Wolf II, Vice-Delegate of The North Pacific, Acting Delegate in the Interim.