Pope Lexus X

Update I - 15/3/13
Forum: Gatesville
Region: Gatesville Inc
Population: 136 nations
WA Endorsements: 31
High Council:
Nevadar - High Queen
Gates - Grand Poobah
Noctaurus - WA Delegate
Kraut Killers - Forum Administrator
Sudros - General of the Army
Mr. Eviscerator - Internal Affairs Advocate
Pope Lexus X - Theological Advocate
Ukaraine - Court Jester
The Reunification

Several years after the close of the region of Gatesville many former nations, including Gates the God himself, have returned to NationStates and reunited the many successor regions of Gatesville; Holy Moosean Empire, Equilibrium, Cingeta and Gate of Evil. The reunification of Gatesville has been coordinated largely by former High Council members Nevadar, Kraut Killers, Agasaya, Ukaraine, Noctaurus, Sudros and of course Gates himself. The response of former members has been remarkable with many of them flocking to the new region of Gatesville Inc and re-establishing many old traditions; indeed, the Tavern is back open!
Gatesville is proud to be re-entering the world stage once more, strong and determined to protect the sovereignty of all nations against the tyranny of the World Assembly.
100 Nations

On March 15th, Gatesville Inc reached the 100 nation mark and is still growing! Such a feat seems trivial in the shadow of the 1000 nation strong region that Gatesville once was but such a growth in such a short period is a testament to the loyalty and work of Gatesville's former members. Bishop Othercoast wrote on the occasion:
One hundred.
One Hundred nations, one goal.
One hundred nations, fighting the oppression of the many faced beast of the WA.
One hundred nations standing between freedom and One World order.
The WA shall fall, and that is a hundredfold promise!
One hundred nations, a beacon to the free world.
One hundred nations enlighting the world, yet casting a shadow over the WA.
Where one hundred stand united, one will fall.
Gatesville rises as the WA sinks.
One hundred, looking at a bright future!
The Sovereign Confederation
Gatesville has already begun to make its mark on the world of NationStates by joining such great regions as Equilism, The Pacific and Osiris in the Sovereign Confederation. The purpose of the organisation is stated by Astarial:

Gatesville has already begun to make its mark on the world of NationStates by joining such great regions as Equilism, The Pacific and Osiris in the Sovereign Confederation. The purpose of the organisation is stated by Astarial:
We believe that regional and interregional politics have grown stale, and that an emphasis on regional sovereignty will provide for more vibrant politicking both within and between regions. We insist that regions can and should work together based on mutual interests rather than absolute ideologies, on mutual benefits rather than sacrifices. We believe that a new paradigm for interregional politics will benefit our member regions as well as many others across the NationStates world. The aim of SovCon is to promote and protect regional and national sovereignty - both our own and that of others.
Church & State!
The Gatesville Church has been established to promote the Gatesville message and interpret the Word of Max Barry. The Church, divided into the Orders of Truth, Might, Knights Templar and the Inquisition, has been working tirelessly to fight the evils of the World Assembly, encourage population growth and develop our presence abroad. Our holy Pontiff hghlighted our struggle against the WA in a recent sermon:

The Gatesville Church has been established to promote the Gatesville message and interpret the Word of Max Barry. The Church, divided into the Orders of Truth, Might, Knights Templar and the Inquisition, has been working tirelessly to fight the evils of the World Assembly, encourage population growth and develop our presence abroad. Our holy Pontiff hghlighted our struggle against the WA in a recent sermon:
We are at war Gatesville. We must never forget our most fundamental purpose; to not only protect the sovereignty and freedom of all nations but to stand against the oppression of the one world order. We must not only recruit those brothers and sisters of like mind nor only fight those regions who conspire in the dark against us. We must take action in the very centre of the dominion of our enemy; to rise above any fear and plunge the knife of freedom into the heart of the World Assembly.
This week, they move against us. A resolution to limit our nation's arsenals and take our money to provide institutions to oversee this; a sly, two-faced plot dressed in the language of peace and unity. We will not be beaten down by the thorned olive branch, Gatesville. We will stand and fight this resolution and every other until our enemies like broken and disymayed.
The Gatesville Ball!
The Gatesville Internal Affairs Advocate, Mr. Eviscerator, is currently organising a Ball to commemorate its great return to NationStates. All our friends at home and abroad will be invited, and details of the Ball and its events will be released with the next Update.

The Gatesville Internal Affairs Advocate, Mr. Eviscerator, is currently organising a Ball to commemorate its great return to NationStates. All our friends at home and abroad will be invited, and details of the Ball and its events will be released with the next Update.
Comedy Section!