The North Pacific
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Magicality City, April 18th, 2013
Dear Emperor Onder and Prime Minister Gavin Novawk,
The government of The North Pacific entreats you to accept Chasmanthe as an ambassador between our two regions. He has been a citizen in good standing of The North Pacific for about 9 months and a legislator in our Regional Assembly for the same period and we believe he will meet the duties of this posting admirably. His responsibilities will include above all keeping your region informed of important affairs in The North Pacific, supporting our interregional ties by interpersonal ties through social involvement, keeping our government abreast of affairs in your region, and providing services to dual citizens should they be needed and welcome.
By accepting Chasmanthe as an ambassador, we hope you will take a first step in building a long lasting relationship between The North Pacific and The Land of Kings and Emperors.
The Minister for Foreign Affairs