
A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate of The United Defenders League,
This week, during the slower part, I was focused on foreign affairs – expanding The United Defenders League’s base of embassies to new and exciting frontiers (*tips his hat in the general direction of Panopticon, Normandy, World Alliance and International Western Union*). I was then abruptly reminded why The United Defenders League had never applied for an embassy with The New Inquisition…
Your account has been temporarily suspended. This suspension is due to end on Mar 26 4749, 11:23 PM.
Oh yeah… the war thingy-doo about the do-da-doo Concosia thingy, yeah right. Nonetheless, in recognition of the fact that February was one of the most intense naps in the history of invasion history, The United Defenders League awarded Raiderdom with the Chief’s Award “for their month-long disappearance which has kept NationStates safer than ever before”. Other Monthly Awards included Democratic Socialist Alliance’s New Andureo nabbing the coveted “Newcomer Award”, Ajzland And Birolika sharing the ever-so lovely Liberator Award and finally, Hodori continuing his complete domination of the Defender of the Month Award.
However...the nap is over. It’s been a relatively modest but noticeably more upbeat presence on the battlefront, at least more so than the sleep-fests that occurred during February. The Black Riders kicked off the week by proving last update’s gloomy prediction wrong that The Middle East was on the “brink of total destruction” -- apparently that region has a founder who could remember his password …… SURPRISE! Congratulations to The Middle East for overcoming the invader threat. Meanwhile, our main operation this past week was a tight liberation of SPACE against Ainur and the Eurosphere (Europeia, TNI, Kantrias etc.), the final victorious score was 29-27. We’re really happy we could help SPACE out on such tight notice on a quiet Tuesday morning.
<ThatYakGuy> Also, Uni, I told you I'd make it to the liberation.
<ThatYakGuy> I drove like 70 on a 55 highway to be here.
<ThatYakGuy> WORTH IT
Continuing our “Space” theme, we freed “Luna” shortly thereafter in a smaller liberation against The Green Isles, who were backed up by The Black Riders. Participants received the following military ribbons for attending the SPACE and Luna liberation missions:

(From left to right: SPACE, Luna)
<Aardenland> So how do you organize these campaigns?
<Tim> Pure Charisma
<Tim> Unibot simply walks in and everyone organizes.
<Tim> It's absolutely amazing.
<Hodori> ^
<Tim> Oh, and it helps when I'm online to time the jumps.
<Tim> But it's really all Unibot *nods*
Tim is going to hate me for quoting him on that. Heh, I really wish that was true but I’ve got a great crew of people who make the magic happen on the battlefield -- I just try not to cramp their style. Nonetheless, The United Defenders League has also been involved with some smaller but recent military operations in The Library, The Islamic Republic of Iran, Pedestria, Coalition of Christian Communities, Defending Hallow, Koprulu, Iraq, and Singapura. I’m glad that the Greenwood Band was able to help these communities and it’s good to see the merrymen being regularly deployed again.
<Carta> my op was unjustly revoked on the silly grounds that I "wasn't a member anymore" and that I "had no authority within the organization"
<Carta> and that I "didn't deserve the ability to ban actual members of the organization from their own channel"
I dunno, Carta, that all seems kind of oppressive to me *snickers*. But you know what seems really oppressive? Carta returning to The United Defenders League! The former Chief Lieutenant returned to The United Defenders League this week, riding a spotted multi-coloured cabbage-breathing camel as his triumphant return was greeted with warm praise and salutations, and then there was…
<Campinia> Hey guys
<Campinia> How's it been
<Campinia> ?
<Karp> hi
<Karp> rav's so excited he cant type
<Unibot> CAMP!
* Unibot runs and hugs Camp
* Campinia gets crushed
… Campinia, Belgian Defender Extraordinaire (a shared title between Lt. Ravania and Riemstagrad). It’s not every day that two amazing people come back to join the team. We’re very excited to have Carta and Campinia return. Frankly, Campinia and Carta are family and we’ve missed them very much. As for other new members, this week we’ve also welcomed NS Mentor and roleplayer superstar, United Gordontopia to our ranks, as well as Finjaldn, Schmiegelland, New Sideburn, Aardenland, Schultaria Prime and Kialga, founder of International Western Union. I can’t wait to see what these new members will accomplish during their time with us and I wish them the best!
United Gordontopia has already received the title of Doctor of Letters (D.Litt) for his submission to The Naivetry Reference Library, The Great Global Economics and Trade Survey. United Gordontopia is the first player to receive this title from the Library since the program began in February. Good work, United Gordontopia! Meanwhile, Lieutenant Solm added an entirely new function to The Gameplay Alignment Test. Several people wanted to see the sheer volume or frequency of respondents’ scores, so to allow this dimension of density, Solm has added a “heatmap” option which shows the density of the collected data. Awesome stuff, Solm! Also, if you look carefully on The Gameplay Alignment Test’s celebrity compass you’ll spot Frak on there now. Sadly he did not register as a cosmopolitan. Tis a shame really.
Finally, we’ll be having Movie Night on March 16th 2013 at 8 PM. I figure we’ll continue our “space” theme with Star Wars: A New Hope. It’s high time that Lieutenant Earth finally watches it. Cue a repetitive but relevant emoticon.

I leave you now with the Moment of Zen, tootles!
<Earth> If you were NS porn, where would you be hiding?
<Tim> The Ascendancy, where I'd be locked up in some f***ed up Ascendancy Sex Dungeon.