Regional Assembly Membership Removal (Amendment) Bill


Regional Assembly Membership Removal (Amendment) Bill

1. Chapter 6, Section 6.1, Clause 10 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific is hereby amended to read as follows,
10. The Speaker's office will promptly remove any Regional Assembly members whose removal is ordered by the Court, or whose North Pacific nation leaves or ceases to exist.

2. The following is inserted to Chapter 6, Section 6.1, of the Codified Law of The North Pacific,
11. Unless a notice of absence was submitted to the Speaker's office before the conditions of this clause apply, the Speaker's office will promptly remove any Regional Assembly members who fail to log in to the North Pacific forum for over 30 consecutive days; or who have not voted for 20 consecutive days and have missed four consecutive, as determined by the time they were commenced, votes, excluding election votes for all purposes under this clause.
I highlight below the changes made by this amendment, using BBcode annotation:

Legal Code Chapter 6 Section 6.1:
10. The Speaker's office will promptly remove any Regional Assembly members whose removal is ordered by the Court, whose North Pacific nation leaves or ceases to exist, or who fail to log in to the North Pacific forum for over 30 days.
11. Unless a notice of absence was submitted to the Speaker's office before the conditions of this clause apply, the Speaker's office will promptly remove any Regional Assembly members who fail to log in to the North Pacific forum for over 30 consecutive days; or who have not voted for 20 consecutive days and have missed four consecutive, as determined by the time they were commenced, votes, excluding election votes for all purposes under this clause.

The purpose of this amendment is to effect an additional activity requirement for RA members. RA members will lose their membership if they miss four consecutive votes and have not voted for 20 consecutive days.

Please, take some time to parse the exact condition for removal carefully. It is a conjunction of two conditions, and a member loses their membership only if they fail both. There are a few reasons for the conjunction:
  • It means that if four votes are brought simultaneously and someone misses all of them, they will not lose their membership, as that would be unfair (that way, a member could lose their membership for being busy for a single week).
  • It also means that, if a month goes by without any votes having taken place, again nobody loses their membership.
  • It retains the flexibility in scheduling votes Speakers currently have: they do not need to be concerned about spacing them out because of this clause. It also prevents Speaker abuse, as they cannot get members removed by congesting votes.
  • The proposed wording does not require any complex definitions of "consecutive votes" or "votes in a row". Because there is the additional condition that you need to not have voted for 20 days to be removed, we can just sort them as consecutive using their commencement times.
The bill makes another change. It legislates that activity-based removal conditions (the voting-based proposed one, and the one already in the books requiring logging in on the forum once every 30 days) are not applicable if a member has posted a Leave of Absence notice. I do not think this second change needs much justification, so I will move on to discuss why I believe reintroducing the voting activity requirement is desirable.
Currently, all it takes for one to maintain RA membership, activity-wise, is to keep a puppet in TNP and log in on this forum once every 30 days. One can maintain their membership without having to make any single contribution to the region; not even a post.

As a consequence, the RA membership logs are filled with inactive members who come, apply and get RA membership, and then do nothing without fear of being removed. You only need to take a look at our membership logs: the RA has consistently on the order of 80-90 members (exactly 80 at the time of posting); yet, we get only 30-40 votes in most votes. In fact, it was recently reported unofficially (on IRC) that approximately twice the members that usually vote in the RA sign on the forum regularly (at least once every three days); meaning that about half the regularly visiting members just do not bother to vote.

Even if one does not object to someone enjoying the rights of RA membership without contributing, we cannot ignore the dangers created by these inactive members.

First, all these inactive members create problems in the legislative process. During the current Speaker's term, a bill did not reach quorum and therefore failed to pass (despite the fact that a majority of the votes cast were in support). One other vote came close to not reaching quorum. Given that quorum is a requirement that we take as granted will be met, and we use to protect against gross abuse and inactivity, this is unacceptable. An activity provision requiring regular voting, such as the one I propose, would address this issue by pruning inactive members.

Second, the lax activity requirements open us up to undue external influence. One can get membership, lurk around without doing anything, and only show up to vote on a controversial issue, in order to skew the results of the vote in the direction favoring the group outside TNP said member supports. Late last year we had an incident during which, depending on who you ask, such "vote piling" took place at a large scale. Regardless of their interpretation of the events, a majority of the regional members recognized the need for additional measures to be taken to prevent this from occurring. The proposed change is, I believe, a reasonable and effective such measure. Regardless of what criteria each member uses to vote, at least their right to vote will have come only with some contributions to the region. The rest will be pruned.

I would also like to preemptively address some of the concerns commonly brought up when this change has been discussed in the past:
  • Some members may decide not to vote, for one reason or another. For instance, judges often consider it inappropriate to vote. In those cases, people can just vote "abstain", which would satisfy the activity requirement. In other cases, a member may not want to publicly take a stance on a matter, and prefer to stay perfectly invisible, including not even posting an "abstain"; this may be, for instance, because they are simultaneously under pressure by two sides to make a choice. Yet, I believe it is unreasonable and unlikely that they will have legitimate reasons to do for four consecutive votes, or for all the votes taking place in a period of 20 days.
  • Often, people bring up the RL argument. We all have real lives, and they can get exceedingly hectic over certain periods (exams for students, business circumstances for professionals, family or health emergencies for everyone). This is ameliorated in the current proposal by allowing for the submission of leave of absence notices. Even if one is overwhelmed enough to neglect to post a notice, let's be honest, making a single post once every 20 days is not that extreme an activity requirement. And, finally, even when RL circumstances are truly so severe as to make even this impossible, one can just reapply for membership and get re-admitted immediately (given that they will have reverted to citizenship status, and security checks will not be necessary).

Finally, I would like to acknowledge discussions with Crushing Our Enemies and Eluvatar for their input in this proposal.
consecutive, as determined by the time they were commenced, votes,

OH GOD PLEASE DON'T DO THAT. I would suggest removing the parenthetical phrase and simply define "consecutive vote" in another clause.
I guess it's a logical change... but it also makes much more work for the speaker. I'll think on it.
I guess it's a logical change... but it also makes much more work for the speaker. I'll think on it.
It'd be relatively simple to add a few columns to the RA roll to record votes in. After each vote, he could delete the column from four votes ago, and add a column for the most recent vote. If the date of the vote was used as the header, then a script to be written to indicate when a member hadn't voted four 20 days, and had missed four consecutive votes, much like the ones that indicate forum inactivity and nation movement/CTE now. It would be some more work for the speaker, but my recommendation to the members of the assembly is not to factor that into their decision. The job of the speaker is to carry out the will of the assembly, not the other way around.
...A thought.

What if for some actual reason (I know it's highly unlikely), we actually don't have anything to vote on for twenty days?
or who have not voted for 20 consecutive days and have missed four consecutive, as determined by the time they were commenced, votes,

So, you can be removed either:

a) if you fail to log in for 30 days
b) you fail to vote for 20 days AND miss four votes.

So you could fail to vote for 20 days but if there are no votes, then the other requirement would not be met. If you missed 4 votes spaced over 5 days, and then there were 20 days where you did nothing, you'd be almost to the month anyways, so I don't see that as a problem.
But isn't there the exception on giving notification of absence ,thus you will be out of the "removal row", to the speaker. Or could you still be removed
Emperor Andrew I:
But isn't there the exception on giving notification of absence ,thus you will be out of the "removal row", to the speaker. Or could you still be removed
There exists no such exception, as far as I am aware, in TNP law.
11. Unless a notice of absence was submitted to the Speaker's office before the conditions of this clause apply, the Speaker's office will promptly remove any Regional Assembly members who fail to log in to the North Pacific forum for over 30 consecutive days; or who have not voted for 20 consecutive days and have missed four consecutive, as determined by the time they were commenced, votes, excluding election votes for all purposes under this clause.
This bill contains such an exception.
Crushing Our Enemies:
11. Unless a notice of absence was submitted to the Speaker's office before the conditions of this clause apply, the Speaker's office will promptly remove any Regional Assembly members who fail to log in to the North Pacific forum for over 30 consecutive days; or who have not voted for 20 consecutive days and have missed four consecutive, as determined by the time they were commenced, votes, excluding election votes for all purposes under this clause.
This bill contains such an exception.
Well yes, of course. I guess it never occurred to me that that language needed clarification.
Crushing Our Enemies:
11. Unless a notice of absence was submitted to the Speaker's office before the conditions of this clause apply, the Speaker's office will promptly remove any Regional Assembly members who fail to log in to the North Pacific forum for over 30 consecutive days; or who have not voted for 20 consecutive days and have missed four consecutive, as determined by the time they were commenced, votes, excluding election votes for all purposes under this clause.
This bill contains such an exception.
Well yes, of course. I guess it never occurred to me that that language needed clarification.
Votes that are not strictly legislative or electoral in nature, are they understood to be excluded also?

For example, a vote on the SC order of succession, and a vote on confirmation of a registrar. They are not strictly speaking elections but are they covered by the elections exclusion?
The registrar vote would not count, because that is an informal matter that I decided to do to help my decision-making, not an official vote on the floor of the RA. Other matters, such as the SC order of succession, recall votes, and other votes without associated text would count, so long as they were official votes on the floor. As I understand it, the elections exclusion applies only to elections.
Once again, my apologies for the belated response. It has been a busy week.

I'll respond to all the questions that have been asked, including those already answered, for confirmation on the bill's intent.
Alvino Castillon:
...A thought.

What if for some actual reason (I know it's highly unlikely), we actually don't have anything to vote on for twenty days?
As Gaspo said, and as I also mentioned in my second post: you need to satisfy two conditions to be removed, miss four votes and not vote for 20 days. If you only do not vote for 20 days, but have not also missed four votes, you do not get removed.

Emperor Andrew I:
But isn't there the exception on giving notification of absence ,thus you will be out of the "removal row", to the speaker. Or could you still be removed
The new bill adds such a provision:
11. Unless a notice of absence was submitted to the Speaker's office before the conditions of this clause apply, [...]

Votes that are not strictly legislative or electoral in nature, are they understood to be excluded also?

For example, a vote on the SC order of succession, and a vote on confirmation of a registrar. They are not strictly speaking elections but are they covered by the elections exclusion?
Think of it like this: the only votes that are excluded are those that take place in the Elections forum inside the Agora.

I would be glad to add further clarifying language with regards to the "election votes", but I cannot see how I can do this without: 1) either cross-referencing the Elections section of the Legal Code; or 2) mentioning the Agora and Elections forum in bill. Either of these would be undesirable for obvious reasons.
Please see below an amended draft. There are two changes:

1) A renumbering clause.
2) A separate clause covering the notices of absence. The purpose of that is both to lighten the already very long clause on removals for inactivity; and, more importantly, to include wording empowering the Speaker to regulate notices of absence, mainly to avoid their abuse.

Regional Assembly Membership Removal (Amendment) Bill

1. Chapter 6, Section 6.1, Clause 10 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific is hereby amended to read as follows,
10. The Speaker's office will promptly remove any Regional Assembly members whose removal is ordered by the Court, or whose North Pacific nation leaves or ceases to exist.

2. Clauses 11 to 35 of Chapter 6 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific are hereby amended to be numbered 13 to 37, respectively.

3. The following is inserted to Chapter 6, Section 6.1, of the Codified Law of The North Pacific,
11. The Speaker's office will promptly remove any Regional Assembly members who fail to log in to the North Pacific forum for over 30 consecutive days; or who have not voted for 20 consecutive days and have missed four consecutive Regional Assembly votes, as determined by the time they were commenced, and excluding election votes for all purposes under this clause.
12. Regional Assembly members that have submitted a notice of absence, in accordance with any regulations set by the Speaker's Office, shall be exempt from the provisions of the above clause for the duration of their absence.
Since it's not specified, I think any rules about absences would be up to the speaker, unless the RA passed something about them later.
Former English Colony:
Out of curiosity, is there some sort of limit on how long a leave of absence can be?
As COE said, the intended effect is that the Speaker can set any regulations they wish (subject to any further legislation), including regulations on length of absences. This is achieved through the bolded part in the following:
12. Regional Assembly members that have submitted a notice of absence, in accordance with any regulations set by the Speaker's Office, shall be exempt from the provisions of the above clause for the duration of their absence.
Didn't we scrap a voting requirement not so long ago? Why did we do that? How is this bill an improvement over what we got rid of?
This is far less strict a requirement. It's also far easier to enforce.

The overriding argument for it is the fact that we have had some difficulty getting quorum of late, which is a sign that 2/3 of the official RA aren't very attentive to their duties.
After a review of the matter, I will be voting "Aye" on this Bill, for the following reasons:

1. Increased activity of our RA members/increased chance of further debate in the RA on bills;
2. Weed out inactive members in the RA;
3. Ability for a notification of absence from RA Responsibilities.

I see no problems with this bill. We will probably see RA removals, but it was inevitable. Support.
Should this bill pass and become law, the 20 day/four vote rule will not take effect until 20 days and at least four votes have passed after it takes effect. To apply it otherwise would be in violation of the bill of rights, as I interpret it. So RA removals as a result of these new restrictions would not be immediate.
Also, I just noticed that if the only activity requirements are forum login and nation upkeep, then theoretically, a forumbanned RA member could retain their RA membership indefinitely. This bill would fix that issue.