Update 7


Kantrian Government

The Royal Family
King: Cerian Basileus Rex Quilor Anumia I
Queen:Eliora Lockwood

Government Ministers
General of the RKA: Christopher Bishop
Minister of Culture: Eliora Lockwood
Minister of the Interior: MagentaFairy
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Lucy Delacroix

The Senate
Krimson Vulika
Christian Wright
Edward Leben

Kantrias Regional Update

20th of February, 2013
Regional Population: 202

Greetings from Kantrias - The Land of the Sword and the Gavel!

Do you like Elections? Of course you do! And that's just as well, because in the past two weeks we have had elections and accolades, ministries and media, competitions and culture, treaties and talkback, as well as the precision manoeuvring one expects from the Military forces of Kantrias. So follow us, fair friends, as all these exciting items, and plenty more, are to be found in this awfully energetic edition of the Kantrias Regional Update!

Dazzling Democracy - Senate Sits, Accolades Awarded, Treaties Transacted


The Fourth Senate Elected

The political scene in Kantrias has been incredibly active over recent weeks, with the election of a new senate, the signing of two important treaties, and awards and honours granted to several citizens for exemplary services to the Kingdom of the Sword and the Gavel.

The 4th senate of Kantrias was elected in a poll unique in Kantrian history in that it didn’t end with a tie, deadlock or run-off vote. Returning senators Christian Wright and MagentaFairy were joined by new faces Krimson Vulkia, Edward Leben, and SPQR. Christian Wright was chosen unanimously by the senate to serve as the Speaker for the new government.

The first act of business for this sensational senate was the approval of the King’s ministerial nominations. Christopher Bishop was returned to his post as General of the Royal Kantrian Army, MagentaFairy was reaffirmed in her position as Minister of the Interior, and Lucy Delacroix remained Minster of Foreign Affairs. Queen Eliora Lockwood was selected to be the Minister for Culture, returning to a position she held very successfully a term ago.

The Treaty of Baden was signed between Kantrias and the The New Inquisition, cementing an alliance between the two imperialist regions which has already borne fruit with a number of successful joint military operations.

In light of the changes to the Telegram system, and the new rules governing recruitment in User Created Regions, the Kantrian Senate passed legislation ratifying the Arnhelm Declaration of Recruitment Standards.

In recognition of their outstanding and enduring service to the realm, King Cerian Quilor raised Jimothy Wright and Christian Wright to the peerage of Kantrias with the rank of Patrician. The King made special mention of Jimothy Wright’s hard work and achievement in service to the senate. The King also singled out Christian Wright’s exceptional work in helping to formulate and clarify the laws of Kantrias.

The awards didn’t stop there as the King also awarded several members of the region for their service to Kantrias. Magenta Fair was awarded the Order of the Lotus, 3rd Class for services to the Interior. Eliora Lockwood was awarded the Order of the Lily 3rd Class, for her services to regional Culture. Lucy Delacroix was awarded the Order of the Orchid, 3rd Class for services to Foreign Affairs.

Capacious Culture - Fiction, Foreign affairs, and Folkore!


Time to sit back with a good book and take in the Kantrian Culture

With the election of the 4th senate the forums have really kicked into gear, with the Kantrian Public News Service (KPNS) producing several exciting new pieces of regional culture, the creation of a new roleplaying game, and the Ministry of Culture launches a new short story competition to explore the myths and folklore of Kantrias.

Do you love literature? The Delphinium Throne, written by Gustavus Adolphus Rex, has taken the forum by storm! This ongoing fantasy steampunk story sees the people of Kantrias grapple with events that may threaten to overwhelm the kingdom. With three chapters already finished, and a fourth on the way, stay tuned to find out how this entertaining drama plays out.

Turn the volume up and relax in your favourite chair as you listen to the latest edition of the Kantrian Podcast, the Kantricast. Episode 6 discusses the recent senatorial elections, touches briefly on foreign affairs, delves deeply into the proposed regional economy, and rushes headlong into debate about constitutional corrections.

KPNS in association with the Foreign Ministry has produced a new current affairs publication, Eye on the World. This semi-regular periodical examines the major themes and movements in foreign affairs in the wider NationStates world, and discusses what they might mean for Kantrias.

Citizens of Kantrias will soon by saving the world from undead hoards in Eliora Lockwood's fantasy roleplaying game Arundel. Will the motley band of heroes triumph against evil forces which gather on the fringes of civilisation? Or will sinister powers cover the world in a second darkness?

The Ministry of Culture has launched a new short story competition, this time exploring the fireside tales and folklore of Kantrias. Entries must be 500-5000 words long and be submitted by March 4th, 2013. No matter which story take the prize, the real winner will be Kantrian Culture.

Kantrias Strikes - Sweeping Victories for the RKA


The Royal Kantrian Army - Faster than lightning

Ah! I love the smell of raiding in the morning... it smells rather like victory! The Royal Kantrian Army has been exceptionally busy in recent days, aiding allies in the capture of several regions, supporting ongoing occupations, and striking out on their own to seize The Herd

The resurgent military forces of Kantrias captured The Herd in an expert display of martial precision, which saw the purple banner of the Sword and Gavel resplendently raised above the region.

In the first stroke of a very successful series of allied military manoeuvres, units of the Royal Kantrian Army supported the New Inquisition as they captured the region of CATS. Co-operation continued closely in a joint operation which successfully took control of Romania De Aur. This victory was celebrated by the blissful banning of several defeated defenders. Delightful!

Kantrias also aided Europeia in their capture of the region of Avalon, which was magnificently seized from right under the noses of the rather lackadaisical defenders.

And to top it all off, units of the Royal Kantrian Army Reserve continue to aid the Black Riders in their ongoing occupation of The Middle East.

And that's the Kantrias Regional Update - Goodnight and Goodluck!

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Written by Lucy Delacroix