Request for Review: Election of Justices


TNP Nation
Cormactopia III
I have some questions for the Court's review, in light of the amendments to the Constitution and Legal Code being proposed by r3naiss4nc3r.

1. Article 4, Section 5 of the Constitution reads as follows: "5. Justices will be elected by the Regional Assembly by a plurality vote every four months." In light of this, does it contradict the Constitution to elect the Chief Justice separately from the Associate Justices, as is our current practice, rather than electing them jointly and by plurality vote as Article 4, Section 5 seems to mandate?

2. Nowhere does either the Constitution or the Legal Code mandate separate elections for Chief Justice and Associate Justices. Even if separate elections are not unconstitutional, does there exist any legal authority to separate election of the Chief Justice from election of Associate Justices absent a clear mandate to do so either in the Constitution or the Legal Code?

I thank the Court for its time.
Given the proximity of this question to the Judicial elections, I'm going to step in where Hile otherwise might and say that the court will consider this matter. 24 hours for submission of amicus briefs begins now.
To avoid any actual or perceived interference of the courts in the political process, neither I nor Sanctaria will support the publication of any opinion on this issue prior to the resolution of the RA matter affecting this issue which is currently at vote. Should it pass, this review will be dismissed as it will no longer be relevant; otherwise, an opinion will come soon after the close of that vote.