- TNP Nation
- McMasterdonia
Here is a proposed charter for the NPIA. Take a read of it and provide negative (or even positive
) feedback in this thread. This was based slightly on the original charter authored by Eluvatar but has been changed significantly. A thank you to R3n for his help with this document.
Note: Council thought the word "Agents" was better than "officers". I'm indifferent, so if people feel strongly either way we will take that into account. It has also received the full approval of council, excluding Blue Wolf and Eluvatar who were absent.

Note: Council thought the word "Agents" was better than "officers". I'm indifferent, so if people feel strongly either way we will take that into account. It has also received the full approval of council, excluding Blue Wolf and Eluvatar who were absent.
The Charter of The North Pacific Intelligence Agency:This document is a charter from the Delegate establishing the new North Pacific Intelligence Agency (hereinafter referred to as "the Agency"). Contravention of this charter is punishable by removal from the Agency by the Director..
Section 1: Staff
1. The Agency comprises of the Agents and the Director.
Article I: Director
2. The Director of the North Pacific Intelligence Agency (“Director”) is the primary interface between the Agency and the rest of the government.
3. The Director is responsible for the running of all and has discretion over all activities of the Agency.
4. A majority of Agents may ask the Delegate to appoint a new Director. The Delegate may remove the Director whenever they see fit.
5. Whenever the position is vacant, The Delegate will appoint the Director from among the Agents.
6. The Agents may nominate a list of several potential candidates for the Delegate to consider.
7. The Director is considered to be a government official for all legal purposes.
Article 2: The Agents
8. Agents of the North Pacific Intelligence Agency ("Agents") will collectively carry out the duties of the Agency.
9. All Agents must be citizens of The North Pacific in good standing.
10. No list of Office may be published outside the NPIA forums, at any time.
11. Agents may recommend any citizen of The North Pacific to be invited to become an Agent.
12. Such a recommendation for invitation may be blocked from being granted by the objection of at least two Agents.
13. The Director shall have final discretion on whether to grant a recommendation for invitation that has not been blocked.
14. Individuals invited to become Agents must take the following oath once invited to join the Agency, and taking of the oath constitutes assumption of their role as Agents:
Agents Oath
I, {Forum name}, do swear to serve The North Pacific as an Agent of the North Pacific Intelligence Agency. I have read the Agency's charter and I pledge not to contravene it.
Section 2: Ethics
1. Forum destruction is prohibited.
2. Sharing personal information with a person who is not an Agent is prohibited. Personal information includes, but is not limited to, real names, postal addresses, email addresses, occupations, photographs, obsessions, hobbies, personal websites, age, religious views, income, sexual orientation, sexual identity, sexual behavior, images of a player's physical appearance, and any information which can be used to locate a person.
3. Cracking is prohibited. Cracking includes, but is not limited to, compromising of accounts, cracking of passwords (excluding region passwords), cross-site scripting, cross-site request forgery, or any other such activities.
4. Engaging in real life illegal activities or violating Nationstates terms of service is prohibited.
5. Conspiracy to do any of the above is prohibited. That includes encouraging a person who is not an Agent to do it.
Section 3: Information Security and Dissemination
1. Intelligence is all information which has been gained by the activities of the Agency, or describing the activities of the Agency, or is in the possession of the Agency, and which has not already become accessible to the general public.
2. The Director will provide the Delegate with a monthly report on the state of the Agency.
3. The Director must promptly report intelligence regarding regional security of the North Pacific to the Delegate and the Security Council; in cases when the intelligence indicates a risk to the region from the Delegate, the Director will report to the Security Council exclusively.
4. The Director will promptly report intelligence regarding regional security of allied regions to the Delegate and, if permitted by the Delegate, to the appropriate officials of the allied region.
5. If an Agent believes that the Agency is engaging in illegal activity, they may report such activity to the Delegate or the first member in the Security Council line of succession as they deem appropriate.
6. Subject to the provisions of this section, Agents may not share intelligence with a person who is not an Agent without the prior authorization of the Director.
7. NPIA Agents will report to the Nationstates authorities any violation of the Nationstates terms of service, including activities that will directly affect Nationstates servers or properties.
8. Arrangements regarding intelligence security and dissemination among Agents are at the discretion of the Director.
Delegate of The North Pacific