"Promoting Friendship, Goodwill, and Co-Prosperity
Through Interregional Cooperation."
The Signatories to the Concord do enter unto this treaty of brotherhood and cooperation with lasting intentions of peace and prosperity between them.
Article 1: General Provisions
- Section 1: The Signatories of this treaty are the Coalition of the South Pacific (hereafter "TSP"), The North Pacific (hereafter "TNP"), and the Kemetic Republic of Osiris (hereafter "Osiris"), and their successor governments.
Article 2: Military Arms
- Section 1: The militias and military arms of the Signatories shall unify under the banner of the Concord in mutually beneficial military action.
- Section 2: Section 2: The militias and military arms of the Signatories shall retain their names but act in the name of the Concord. The day to day operations of the militias and military arms of the Signatories will remain under the full command and authority of the respective governments of the Signatories.
[*]Section 3: The Signatories may set standards and criteria by which unified military action may occur.
[*]Section 4: The Delegate of each Signatory or his/her designate must expressly or categorically give consent for unified military action to occur.
[*]Section 5: The militias and military arms of the Signatories shall not be prevented from taking part in an action with their other allies or partners, except as related to an ongoing war between a Signatory and an ally or partner of a Signatory..
- Section 6: The militias and military arms of the Signatories shall not take action against another Signatory's militia or military arm, except in cases where prior permission has been granted by the respective Delegates.
- Section 7: The parties will recognize the constitutional governments in force at the time of ratification of this treaty as the sole legitimate governments of their respective regions.
- Section 8: The parties will not undermine one another's security, national identity, or sovereignty through subterfuge, espionage, invasion, or any other means.
- Section 9: The parties will defend one another with all available military and diplomatic resources at a legal request of the other party.
- Section 10: The Concord's united military forces may not be amalgamated or placed under another organization's command without the approval of all the governments involved with the Concord.
Article 3: Cultural Cooperation
Section 1: The Signatories commit to closer cooperation in cultural matters, with events hosted between the Signatories.
Section 2: The Signatories are also encouraged to continue their cultural cooperation with other regions.
Article 3: Cultural Cooperation
- Section 1: The Signatories commit to closer cooperation in cultural matters, with events hosted between the Signatories.
- Section 2: The Signatories are also encouraged to continue their cultural cooperation with other regions.
Article 4: Educational Opportunities
- Section 1: The educational facilities of the Signatory regions shall jointly publish educational, media or research documents, to garner greater attention to the subject.
- Section 2: The educational facilities of the Signatory regions are encouraged to allow guest speakers or lecturers from other Signatory regions.
- Section 3: In order to better preserve the knowledge and history of the Signatory regions, important documents shall be shared amongst the Signatories.
Article 5: Continuance of Previous Agreements
- Section 1: The previous treaties and agreements made by the Signatory regions with each other are re-emphasized by this document.
Article 6: Maintaining the Alliance
- Section 1: An amendment can be proposed by any Signatory region, and requires the agreement of all other Signatories in order to pass.
- Section 2: A non-signatory may apply to join the Concord if they so wish, and requires the agreement of all other Signatories in order to join.
- Section 3: A non-signatory may apply to become an Associate Region of the Concord is they so wish, bringing them into the sphere of the Concord's influence. All Signatories need to agree on the application in order for the application to be successful.
- Section 4: A Signatory must make all reasonable effort to find a solution to an issue before withdrawing from the Concord, including a period of 30 days from when they first announce their intention to leave.
- Section 5: Associate Regions will be given special access to the Concord's private mediums of collaboration and will be expected to provide diplomatic and military assistance to the Concord when asked for such. Likewise, the Concord will act similarly in regards to Associate Regions when asked to.
- Section 6: Signatories can be immediately removed from the alliance with the approval of all its other Signatories if this is seen as necessary.
- Section 7: Associate Regions can immediately lose their status as associates of the Concord with the unanimous approval of all its Signatories if this is seen as necessary.
- Section 8: WA Delegates represent their region's interests, thoughts, and concerns to the Concord. All votes within the Concord's realm shall be lodged by the WA Delegates of the Signatory regions. However, WA Delegates are advised and encouraged to seek the opinion of their region regarding particularly important matters before voting on an application, amendment to this charter, etc.
Milograd, Chairman of the Coalition of The South Pacific
McMasterdonia, Delegate of The North Pacific
Mad Jack, Pharaoh of the Kemetic Republic of Osiris