Breaking News
SPINN has just learned that the Osiris Septarchy has passed the SovCon Charter with a vote of 4-1. The legislation that will make Osiris the fourth official member of the organization which brought controversy across NS when announced last week. The Charter awaits the signature of Osirian Pharaoh MadJack.
SPINN has also learned that the SovCon Charter is likely to fail in the Rejected Realms. Now that this has passed in Osiris four of the five proposed Charter members have all joined the organization. The Pacific, Equilism, and Gatesville being the other three Charter Members.
Each of member of this organization will appoint a representative to the Regional Council. SovCon aims to promote national and regional sovereignty. From our sister paper in The Pacific Astarial will serve as the acting Secretary of the Executive Council until elections are held.
Stay tuned to SPINN for more information as it becomes available.
UPDATE: MadJack signs SovCong Charter.
News Editor
South Pacific Independent News Network