
Crushing Our Enemies:
Running for office?
Some originality
Is sorely wanting.
Actually, that's the first time I've seen Eluvatar's thread. To my knowledge, at least. That's quite interesting...

I'm going to claim that I had the idea first on account of Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff, and that Eluvatar stole it because he is actually Eru Iluvatar.
Recent comments were leaked about your intention to break Section 6.2 of the Legal Code. How would you respond to RA members who might feel that makes you unfit for public office?
Great Bights Mum:
Recent comments were leaked about your intention to break Section 6.2 of the Legal Code. How would you respond to RA members who might feel that makes you unfit for public office?
I was intent to break 6.2 because the way it was being portrayed, it was something along the lines of

"Register all Sleepers beforehand and you must send a constant stream of your new WA's to the Registrar during update"

Terms like that, I can't see any R/Der following all the time. They're kind of really shitty terms.

Erastide seems to be allowing a list at the end of update though, of all used WAs, and that's no problem at all to do. I wasn't expecting a reasonable compromise to anything, primarily because I've been dealing with an idiot group project all week and seem to have decided that all people everywhere are unable to compromise.

With the ability to send just a list of WA Nations used at update? Sure, I could easily report that each update I do. Now, I guess that's more updating on my opinions about Section 6.2, due to the policy being put in by Erastide.

To those that might feel this makes me unfit for public office? Alright. I mean, at least from public outcry, most of the people railing me for this were unlikely to vote for me anyway. I mean, I'm not going to bullshit my way out of this. I don't like Section 6.2 of the Legal Code. I think it's unnecessary, to constantly know where everyone's WA Nations are. So, if this system was applied in a much more Draconian method, then I'm sure that I probably would break it. I wouldn't be the only one, either.

So.. After much digression and rambling. I don't see how it makes me unfit to be Minister of Foreign Affairs. Perhaps it might make me someone that would potentially take a removal of RA rather than being incapacitated out of R/D, which is the biggest reason I still play the NS Game. But, that's up to the people to decide. I'd rather not try to make their choices for them, outside of TNP's FA Department.