[Complete]FAILED: Security Council Resolution: Repeal: Condemn the Black Riders [Archived]


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
Vote Aye, Nay or Abstain.

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Description: WA Security Council Resolution #91: Condemn The Black Riders shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The Security Council,

BELIEVING that SC#91, Condemn The Black Riders, was a hastily-written piece of legislation with many clauses included simply for the sake of rhetoric,

LAUGHING ON THE INSIDE at the second clause of SC#91 and knowing full well there is a stark difference between raiding and “cultural genocide,” a point SC#91 seems to confuse or ignore altogether,

NOTING that many regions encourage other similarly-minded militaristic regions to participate in the same type of activities, a feature that is not unique to The Black Riders,

FURTHER NOTING the above can also be applied to “forcibly assuming the role of regional [D]elegate” and that The Black Riders are one of many regions that carry out this action,

ALTOGETHER WISHING to craft a more appropriate and better-written Condemnation of The Black Riders,


I also voted in the World Assembly, but I did it via internet from my afternoon office in my presidential palace, which is at the city center of Byrontropolis.
So, I guess I also voted in God n Country n Byron.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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