At Vote: World Assembly Statue Garden [Complete] [Complete]


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
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RECOGNIZING the varied achievements of the citizens of member-nations

BELIEVING these influential people deserve greater international recognition

THEREFORE, the World Assembly Garden of Statues (WAGS) shall be created on World Assembly Headquarters grounds.

MANDATING that each member-nation be allowed to submit a single statue of an important person from their history to be displayed in the WAGS. These statues shall be of a reasonable size such that they do not take up an inordinate amount of space. Each statues shall also have beside it a plaque detailing the life and achievements of the individual.

MANDATING that each nation shall pay for their statue and any associate upkeep. The nation may, however, allow a company or other group to pay for the statue and associated upkeep fees.

STIPULATING that any nation may take down or change their statue at any time.
The WA Affairs Ministry records 1 aye, 1 nay, 0 abstain, 0 present. Neither for nor against having a majority, we advise the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
"World Assembly Statue Garden" was defeated 7,681 votes to 4,970.

Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.