Request for Comments


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
The Delegate has requested that the University be placed at the top level in Magicality City and renamed to The North Pacific University.

The Admin team has not acted on this request because most of them (who have discussed this) believe that we should not expand Magicality City any further in size.

The Delegate has proposed as an alternative to move the Map of The North Pacific to a subforum of Roleplay and place the University in Port Thel.

We could leave the layout as is, we could grow Magicality City, or we could put the University in Port Thel, moving the Map into Role Play.

Please comment on these alternatives, or advise your own.

NB: This is a thread for comments not voting. If your post doesn't add to the discussion, please don't make it.
I see no problem with renaming the University.

I agree that we should not make Magicality City any bigger.

However, I do believe the University does not deserve to be crammed in a subforum of the Agora.

Does the University really need to be located in Magicality City?

I see no problem with moving the map.
I support both moving the map inside the RP forum, and making the University a top-level forum. I would support each of these independently if the admins were unwilling to implement the other. If only one was to be implemented and there was a choice, then I would choose making the University top-level.

Are the admins objecting specifically to expanding Magicality City, or the index page in general? If the former, then the compromise proposed by the Delegate is, I think, the best option. Otherwise, the overall best option for me would be to make the University a top-level forum in Magicality City, and move the map inside the RP forum.

I prefer the name "The North Pacific University" to plain "University".
I object more to expanding Magicality City than to expanding Port Thel because Magicality City is larger than Port Thel. I don't know about the other administrators.
Magicality City is the seat of government, yes? I don't really see a place for the university there - better to be in Port Thel. And the map forum is of very limited scope to be on the top level. I'd support putting the map in RP, and making the University a top-level in Port Thel.
I understand that the reason was more because expanding Magicality City meant that the template would look weird? I could have misinterpreted.

Anyway I think the Map is a RP element and should be in that section . If the University is prominent it has a higher chance of being successful.

So, yes I agree with McMasterdonia's alterantive.

Thank you for consulting with general forum users Elu.
The map is absolutely an RPing element. I believe that the Moderators that have power over that forum should remain the same. That means, the Ministry of Culture and Entertainment and Scandigrad should continue to retain their Moderation powers. As long as this remains, I personally see no other issue in moving the map and support its movement to allow for the creation of the University in Port Thel.

I appreciate you asking the populace to voice its opinion. It is very much appreciated. :)
I personally think that moving the map under roleplay will degrade how many people see it and therefore its activity but I can compromise on moving it to the roleplay forum, even if I don't see why that is necessary. Expanding the number of forums at the top level is not going to break the forum.

At the same time while I am on that point I really think it is necessary that we make the FAQ forum a top-level forum as presently it is underviewed and under utilised because of where it is hidden. I personally think the University should also be located as a top level forum in Port Thel (not Magicallity)

I don't see why there is any objection to expanding the number of top-level forums when it can really expand the culture of our region. Its not going to be the end of the universe if someone has to scroll one extra inch.
I personally think that moving the map under roleplay will degrade how many people see it and therefore its activity but I can compromise on moving it to the roleplay forum, even if I don't see why that is necessary. Expanding the number of forums at the top level is not going to break the forum.

At the same time while I am on that point I really think it is necessary that we make the FAQ forum a top-level forum as presently it is underviewed and under utilised because of where it is hidden. I personally think the University should also be located as a top level forum in Port Thel (not Magicallity)

I don't see why there is any objection to expanding the number of top-level forums when it can really expand the culture of our region. Its not going to be the end of the universe if someone has to scroll one extra inch.
I do honestly think FAQ should be a top level forum honestly. It is an important aspect to this community and its importance has indeed been undermined recently. I do not agree with you on the movement of the map however. I do not think it is a degradation of the map, but rather putting it in its proper place. I understand the concerns you have about it being "degraded," but I doubt that it will be so, especially if we do get the FAQs up at Port Thel.

In fact... perhaps it would be a better idea to move the map to the FAQ forums then? We can place FAQs in Port Thel and it would encourage new members to read the FAQs and learn how the region properly works. We can put the thread to apply to get on the map in the FAQs thread and keep it open.

I believe both the University and FAQ Forums belong in Port Thel as their own forums. The FAQs need to be seen after all and if we move the map in there (which happens to be something a lot of people aspire to get on, now that I think about it), then it'll be a reason to keep the FAQs updated constantly and make sure they don't fall into disrepair a second time.
I think this is the region's forum. The admin team should be there to implement the government's wishes, not to act in judgement over them. Nor should we appeal to a popular plebiscite when the government asks us to do something we do not like.

The government have a popular mandate in a way that the admin team do not. For the record, I was in favour of implementing McM's requests.
Eluvatar, that is an extremely appropriate argument, however I believe it has yet to be used.
We have yet to reach that point. I think at the part we are at, we should be fine. I'm more concerned about cluttering up one of the forums with subforums.
Alvino Castillon:
We have yet to reach that point. I think at the part we are at, we should be fine. I'm more concerned about cluttering up one of the forums with subforums.
But getting to the point as Elu showed with that starts somewhere. Almost a year ago now this board was almost as bad as that and was cleaned up to what it is now.

I believe the best option would be to move the map thread into role play and add the University to Port Thel. I really don't see a reason for having the map forums on the index page of the boards as it isn't a very heavily traveled forum.
Nothing much we do to the forum is set in stone. It is an evolving organism: changes can be tidied up, reversed, overridden.

For us to get a request from the elected government and effectively say "shan't" undermined totally the authority and respect of that elected government.
I favor the move. I hate clutter on forums, but I don't believe that this will create too much clutter. Personally, though, I think it should be in Port Thel, but the university is distinct in and of itself that I think it can hold its own in Magicality City.

The only issue I have is that usually universities only have about a 3-4 month shelf life and then are dead. I believe the university pres or whatever it is called, DRUK, has just taken an indefinite leave.