- TNP Nation
- McMasterdonia
A Statement from the Delegate

Firstly I would like to thank everyone who voted in the General Election. I appreciate the opportunity to continue to serve the region as it's Delegate and I promise to not let the region down.
Once again, I have been handed a strong win with nearly 80% of the vote. I thank all my supporters for this strong victory.
As such I plan to continue to expand upon the work we started in my last term of office. Specifically you shall see us reorganize the Foreign Affairs department to make it more efficient, streamlined and with clearer guidelines for embassy requests both in-game and on the forum. I also intend to work with the Foreign Affairs Minister to aim for our regional updates to occur bimonthly.
In Culture and Entertainment, we will aim to expand the efforts of this still relatively new Ministry. We want to see increased games and entertainment for all citizens to enjoy. Expect to see some interregional tournaments, as well as some more joint cultural events in the months to come. I will also be watching the role-play in our region, that has started to develop recently. It's important that we continue to help this grow, and I am open to suggestions or ideas to improve and develop this further.
In Defence we shall be working on recruiting for the military once again, it is something admittedly that has been neglected in the last term. We will also work to make press-releases a major part of keeping the region and our allies informed of what the North Pacific Army is doing. Lastly, I plan to cooperate more with the high-command of the military, giving people such as General Blue Wolf II specific responsibilities and tasks under their authority.
The Department of Communications will be releasing the first full edition of The TNP-Wire. I have read over the first draft and it is a very enjoyable read. We will be adding some finishing touches to it, before releasing it sometime next week. The goal for the wire will be for it to release weekly or fortnightly tabloid style articles, to be distributed throughout NS and to our friends and allies abroad.
In WA Affairs we will strive to focus on getting our votes in early. With nearly 450 endorsements I now wield a much larger influence than other Delegates in recent years, so it's important that we try to stomp the vote at the beginning to help influence it's final result. Upon my return home, I plan to restart the communications with members of the World Assembly in the region, as I will be back to using my normal computer with the necessary scripts on it.
The Executive Council will also move to quickly deal with the issue that was somewhat divisive for us prior to the election. We will finish the Charter of the North Pacific Intelligence Agency, and present it to the Regional Assembly for discussion. It's important that we have this dealt with and move on to bigger and better things.
Finally congratulations to Crushing Our Enemies for winning the close election for Speaker of the Regional Assembly. I am confident in his ability and look forward to working with him over the next four months. The Vice Delegate run-off election has started between Blue Wolf II and Eluvatar. I like and trust both Candidates, and believe that both would do an excellent job. I will, therefore refrain from endorsing either candidate in this election.
Following the declaration of results for the office of Vice Delegate, Elections for the Ministries will be held. I look forward to seeing the new council sworn in.