At Vote: First Responder Protection Act[Archived] [Complete]


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
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Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: BushSucks-istan

Description: ''Medical personnel exclusively engaged in the collection, transport or treatment of the wounded and sick shall be respected and protected in all circumstances.''

The world needs to show more respect and appreciation towards first responders.

ACKNOWLEDGING The great work first responders do around the world.

ACKNOWLEDGING That first responders save lives.

NOTING That first responders are sometimes hindered and therefore unable to do their job correctly. In some cases first responders are being physically abused whilst trying to do their job.

''First responders'' hereby defines ''Ambulance personnel, firefighters, doctors, police officers, first responders, rescue personnel and civil defense units''.

''Hindering'' hereby defines ''Verbal abuse, threatening or intervening with the situation on purpose''

This applies to uninvolved people only
''Involved people'' hereby defines ''victim(s) and first responder(s)''.
''Physical abuse'' hereby defines ''any act resulting in a non-accidental physical injury''.

1. First responders must not be hindered whilst doing their job.

a. Hindering first responders will be seen as an offense.
2. Higher punishments shall be introduced on assaulting first responders who are on duty (i.e. Higher than a regular assault).

a. Perpetrators will be convicted of ''assault'' and ''assault against first responders''.
b. This includes that the perpetrator has to pay any medical costs that may be charged upon the first responder(s).
c. If a victim dies or suffers severe complications whilst the first responder is being assaulted, the perpetrator can be held responsible for the death and/or complications suffered by the victim.
3. The introduction of the HHPF (Help for Humanitarian Personnel Foundation).

a. The HHPF will regularly research and try to improve the safety of first responders in all WA nations.
b. This includes a global campaign to stop violence against first responders.
c. The HHPF will also assist first responders in lawsuits and rehabilitation (if needed).

-Victims (in the situation) are excluded from section 1a.
-First responders cannot be sued for any medical damage done to the victim.
-Unless the damage was non-accidental and/or unnecessary in order to save the victim's life.
-All new ambulances will be fitted with a small camera, thus helping authorities find perpetrators faster.
Co-author: Oppe Ruiver.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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