[Complete]Condemn: Cynthia McKinney[Archived]


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
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Category: Condemnation

Nominee: Cynthia McKinney

Proposed by: Suceavija

Description: The Security Council of the World Assembly,

CLARIFYING that this resolution refers to the Nation, The Human Rights Activist of Cynthia McKinney (CMK), and does not in any way implicate or indict any other similarly-named entity by its claims;

OBSERVING that CMK is the founder of the region, Democratic Socialist Alliance (DSA), which by design is governed based on its ruling Charter. This Charter requires the DSA’s Congress, led by its World Assembly Delegate (WAD), to determine how and when the founder shall use its powers including ejections and bans (E & B) of residents as well as all decisions regarding embassies. This Charter binds all residents of the DSA to its laws while not permitting any resident to have special privileges or immunity from its jurisdiction regardless of any inherent powers or special status that may otherwise be asserted by any resident therein. CMK had signed this Charter, willfully accepting and binding CMK to all of its provisions;

ACKNOWLEDGING that CMK has a proven history of demonstrating contempt for many of the DSA's governing principles, of which include transparent and democratic governance, equality of all residents under the rule of law, and respect for due process of the law, while subverting and violating the DSA's Charter in the following ways:

1) The spiteful, arbitrary and extrajudicial E & B of several residents from the DSA over time who have publicly spoken against the autocratic conduct of CMK; and the despotic attempts by CMK to suppress many criticisms of such conduct despite the DSA’s rich culture of tolerating and encouraging free speech;

2) The extrajudicial removal of executive powers from a WAD so that CMK could unilaterally control embassies sans Congressional oversight. CMK then went on to E & B that WAD despite CMK’s articles of impeachment for that WAD having been resoundingly rejected by the Congress. CMK’s circumvention of the Charter in order to act against a WAD has happened more than once. In aggregate, these flagrant abuses of power subsequently led to a devastating schism and two waves of diaspora.

3) The paranoid extrajudicial E & B of residents for various speculative pseudo-crimes including merely being deemed a “Zionist spy” by CMK and being accused of "disrespecting the founder," among others;

REALIZING that CMK had chosen to cowardly reside in a foreign region for a significant period of time while manipulating the DSA from afar, simply for the stated reason that CMK cannot be subjected to the provisions of the DSA's Charter if CMK does not reside in the DSA; and therefore may evade justice and terrorize the DSA with impunity;

LAMENTING that during CMK’s prolonged absences from active involvement in the DSA, it would thrive while guided by its Charter’s established processes; and that upon CMK’s return to autocratic rule the vitality, size and integrity of the DSA’s community inevitably, acutely atrophied each time;

AFFIRMING the rights of the residents of the DSA to continue governing themselves per their ruling Charter without further harassment, disruption or intimidation from CMK;

BELIEVING that CMK’s numerous aforementioned violations of the DSA’s Charter as well as the DSA’s public trust constitute dishonorable conduct that is far beneath this Council’s standards for rational behavior, democratic governance, and civilized diplomacy for any nation;

Hereby Condemns The Human Rights Activist of Cynthia McKinney.

Co-authored by The Green Communes of Laevendell

How could you even think of condemning someone as crazy as Cynthia_McKinney? :P

I'm a promoter and supporter of the idea. That b*tch deserves a metaphorical slap as an example and as a precedent.

Not worth WA issue.


Maybe, but I hate her (IC, I mean), so it's worth for me lol
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