McMasterdonia doesn't plan to honor the election results if he loses

True story.

[22:30] <+mcmasterdonia> Don't expect me to drop endos or cease endo trading once you are elected though JAL
[22:30] <+Mall> Mcmaster saying he would work against the legitimately elected delegate D:
[22:30] <+Durkadurkiranistan> yup
[22:30] <+Kostemetsia> Oh dear.
[22:30] <+Durkadurkiranistan> ring him up on charges
[22:30] <+Kostemetsia> That does sound like treason, mcm.
[22:31] <+mcmasterdonia> No, only that I would make sure the elected Delegate continued to work for his position
Yeah. Not taken out of context at all:

<+mcmasterdonia> No, only that I would make sure the elected Delegate continued to work for his position
<+Kostemetsia> Oh dear.
<+Durkadurkiranistan> ring him up on charges
<+Kostemetsia> That does sound like treason, mcm.
<+mcmasterdonia> I would never exceed the elected Vice Delegates endorsements of course.
<+Durkadurkiranistan> treason
<+mcmasterdonia> Nope.
Oh Elu you are not so innocent
[01:32] <Mall> Durk violated no laws with his purges.
[01:32] <Mall> Just ask the courts.
[01:32] <Durkadurkiranistan> yup
[01:32] <Durkadurkiranistan> Mall is correct
[01:33] <Durkadurkiranistan> in fact
[01:33] <Durkadurkiranistan> in the eyes of TNP law, McM is a criminal and i am innocent
[01:33] <mcmasterdonia> lmao
[01:33] <Mall> Same with Eluvatar.
[01:34] <Durkadurkiranistan> yup
[01:34] <Durkadurkiranistan> Eluvatar and McM: TNP's two most wanted
Well he just threatened to burn his most significant opponent in the upcoming election. You. So hopefully soon.
Well he just threatened to burn his most significant opponent in the upcoming election. You. So hopefully soon.
My most significant opponent? pffft DRUK and Bokeryville are in the race as well.
Well he just threatened to burn his most significant opponent in the upcoming election. You. So hopefully soon.
My most significant opponent? pffft DRUK and Bokeryville are in the race as well.
Someone must warn them as well, they're not long for the noose at this rate.
King Durk the Awesome:
So yea. When do we get to put the delegate on trial.
Only after they stop putting you on trial,which should be sometime around the year 3156. :lol:

In fact, since you have been put on trial so many times, I'm seriously thinking of entering legislation to name the TNP Courthouse after you! Perhaps call it the Halls of JAL-stice. :clap: