[Complete]At Vote: Condemn Hippostania [Complete]


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
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Description: Delegates and Representatives of the Security Council,

Confirms that The Republic of Hippostania is a member of the World Assembly,

Draws the attention to GA RES. #2 ‘Rights and Duties of WA States’, GA RES. #9 ‘Prevention of Torture’, GA RES. #27 ‘Freedom of Assembly’, GA GA RES. #30, ’Charter of Civil Rights’, GA RES. #35, Freedom of Expression, GA RES. #43, WA Labor Relations Act and GA RES. #174, Right to Petition are promoted and largely accepted General Assembly Resolutions that protect numerous categories, including the civilian right to express themselves and the protection of their rights and the right to protect nations from unlawful intervention,

Reminds the World Assembly that all WA member states should follow these Resolutions, for they protect their citizens and way of government,

Deplores the fact that The Republic of Hippostania has violated GA RES. #2, Section 3 by refusing to ‘refrain from unrequested intervention in the internal or external economic, political, religious, and social affairs of any other NationState’ by overthrowing a democratically elected government in Longfort and participating in the conquest of Falsea,

Strongly Condemns Hippostania for further violating GA resolutions #27, #30, #43 and #174 by most notably and infamously passing and recently renewing the Subversive and Dangerous Ideologies and Activities Restriction Act, which outlaws leftist political parties, threatens the formation of unions, and infringes the right of citizens to petition, all of which violate the previously stated resolutions,

Further Deplores that the Hippostanian Army violated GA RES. #27 by authorizing troops to violently attack protesters in a foreign country,

Further Deplores the fact that The Republic of Hippostania has violated GA RES. #9, Articles 3 – 6, 8, 12 and 13 through the construction of the Anzère Correctional Detention Facility, which is used to round up people who seem ‘hostile to the Hippostanian government and punish them for political misdemeanors, such as promoting communism, socialism, anarchism or promoting “anit-Hippostanian propoganda”’

Therefore, concerning that Hippostania has openly violated numerous resolutions, it should be in the interest of the Security Council to,

1. Condemn The Republic of Hippostania for openly violating GA RES. #2, #9, #27, #30, #35, #43 and #174.

Co-Authored by: Gordano and Lysandus
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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