- Discord
- COE#7110
A debate between Speaker candidates Crushing Our Enemies and Tim will occur at 9 PM GMT/4 PM EST on an IRC channel to be announced at a later time. The debate shall be moderated by the Election Commissioners, Jamie and Cormac Stark. The format of the debate will be an open-ended question and answer session, with no time limit. If you would like to submit a question to the debate, send it to one of them and you may see it featured!
Both candidates are excited to engage with each other about the future of the Regional Assembly! The transcript of the debate will be posted in this thread.
UPDATE 1/7/12: The debate will take place on #TNPSpeakerDebate. To help you think of questions to send in to the Election Commissioners, links have been added above to the platforms of both candidates who will be participating.