Possbility for Administration Team Enlargement?

Over the last few weeks, there has been a sizable influx of new members on the forum. A large number of these members have applied for citizenship or membership in the Regional Assembly. However, it is clear the Administration Team has been very busy in recent days and as a result, have been unable to check over these applications. After two weeks of this state of inability, we will have our first Regional Assembly application automatically accepted in a long while.

Seeing as a lot of the Administration Team has been very busy and under a lot of pressure, I would like to possibly propose that another Administrator or two be added to the Team to help alleviate the pressures being placed on the Administration Team. With a forum this huge, it definitely would help with the current influx of new members on the forums and new applicants in terms of both citizenship and the Regional Assembly.
We didn't used to need admins to do security checks for RA membership. The Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs conducted such checks, and was masked appropriately to do so. Adding a new Administrator is something you do for very different reasons than simply "this one thing that doesn't require admin privileges, is taking too long".
We didn't used to need admins to do security checks for RA membership. The Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs conducted such checks, and was masked appropriately to do so. Adding a new Administrator is something you do for very different reasons than simply "this one thing that doesn't require admin privileges, is taking too long".
I thought checks included looking for a double account under the same IP?
We didn't used to need admins to do security checks for RA membership. The Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs conducted such checks, and was masked appropriately to do so. Adding a new Administrator is something you do for very different reasons than simply "this one thing that doesn't require admin privileges, is taking too long".
I thought checks included looking for a double account under the same IP?
GM's are capable of doing that by default, and other moderators can have it added. We don't need admins to do IP checks.
We didn't used to need admins to do security checks for RA membership. The Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs conducted such checks, and was masked appropriately to do so. Adding a new Administrator is something you do for very different reasons than simply "this one thing that doesn't require admin privileges, is taking too long".
I thought checks included looking for a double account under the same IP?
GM's are capable of doing that by default, and other moderators can have it added. We don't need admins to do IP checks.
No we are not. The way the GM group is setup on these forums is an individual moderator group. We do not have the ability to see IP's. The Delegate grouping is however a true GM group I believe.
Any government worth its shit ought to have a decent IP database; offload it from the forum database to a searchable form that's secured, and give the Delegate or someone else access to it. It can be done, it's just not done for you in the way I'm proposing. Nothing beats a good IP book, anyways.
A forum of this size could use more admins. That is known. I'm sure there is at least one trustworthy person who could take on this role. I took it on briefly and it did make a difference. Erastide would be a good choice.

The GM group can't see Ip's, and all around it can't really do much besides archive.
This is for the root administrator to decide. However, I for one would not be averse to seeing McM restored to the Admin team, once his term as delegate is over.
A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away, I applied to be an admin on these boards. I still have the PM when Flem was chosen:

Hersfold · Dec 2 2005, 06:21 PM Report Post Forward
To all applicants:

Thanks very much, once again, for applying. All the applications have been reviewed, and a decision has finally been made. Let me say that each of you had plenty of qualifications for the job, making this choice very difficult.

Congratulations go to Flemingovia, however, for coming out on top. His past expertise and extremely high level of trust made him perfect for the job.

To everyone else, I ask again that you consider volunteering for a Global Mod position. We'll be looking for some soon, and will need plenty of capable people to hold the positions. Thanks once more, and see you around the forums.

The United Federation of Hersfold
Forum Administrator

So, I would love to be considered for if a position opens up.
I for one would not be averse to seeing McM restored to the Admin team, once his term as delegate is over.
Why wait for his term to be over? Being Delegate has never stopped Twoslit and Mutley, both Root Admins respectively, from being an Admin. Actually, they're the only ones in TNP history, that I am aware of, not counting coups.

If the Root Admin can be delegate and an Admin, then any delegate/admin can. ^_^
IIRC only Grosseschnauzer, Twoslit and myself have combined the admin and Delegate roles.

In general we have preferred not to combine the roles
Well, in my own case it was a while ago so I cannot remember the entire reasons. But i think it had more to do with not wanting to leave the admin team too weakened at the time. You will have to ask Twoslit and Grosseschnauzers for their reasons.
I definitely think another Admin or so would be a good idea. I would suggest bumping up one or more of the active global mods and then getting a couple more of those too.

But hey just my 2 cents.
Elections are starting and once they conclude, we may have more admin manpower than we have at the moment.

Since McMasterdonia's and Flemingovia's took office for unexpired partial terms, it created a short term and not a long term problem. And these were just after the previous manpower problem while Eluvatar was serving as the elected Delegate.

Maybe what we need is a term of office with no admin holding offices that conflict with forum matters. It would simplify matters immensely, and the perceived shortage would disappear.
Elections are starting and once they conclude, we may have more admin manpower than we have at the moment.

Since McMasterdonia's and Flemingovia's took office for unexpired partial terms, it created a short term and not a long term problem. And these were just after the previous manpower problem while Eluvatar was serving as the elected Delegate.

Maybe what we need is a term of office with no admin holding offices that conflict with forum matters. It would simplify matters immensely, and the perceived shortage would disappear.
So you are saying that Admins should not run for government positions at all? O_o
I'm not sure that one should be made to choose between admin and government duties.
It can't exactly be counted on that Flem won't run for another term as Speaker, or that Eluvatar will give up his government positions, or that I won't run for another term as Delegate.

Perhaps it should be considered removing V1 as a global mod for inactivity, and promoting someone to that position. More admins are needed, if the administration team is unsure, perhaps they should open applications for the position of admin like what Punk was saying they did before upon flemingovia's appointment to the role.

Or making Global Mods more like the standard global mod on zeta? There isn't a lot that they can do besides look out for arguments/archive.
Elections are starting and once they conclude, we may have more admin manpower than we have at the moment.

Since McMasterdonia's and Flemingovia's took office for unexpired partial terms, it created a short term and not a long term problem. And these were just after the previous manpower problem while Eluvatar was serving as the elected Delegate.

Maybe what we need is a term of office with no admin holding offices that conflict with forum matters. It would simplify matters immensely, and the perceived shortage would disappear.
I don't see what elections have to do with anything. In fact, admins that are elected actually makes them more active on the forums and makes them more likely to do what they need to do. Holding back administrators in office is a terrible idea and would hold back excellent political members of the North Pacific.

My major issue at this moment was that RA applications were not being completed in a timely matter. Now that flemingovia has the proper powers and backing to do all parts of the process unilaterally, my major issue has been addressed.

However, this is bound to change eventually. Eventually flemingovia will not run for Speaker due to possible matters he'll have to handle elsewhere or in real life. What happens then when we gain a Speaker that does not double as an Administrator? Do we just allow the RA application process to back up again? That will be detrimental to the North Pacific's community as a whole and it is something I do not feel comfortable allowing.

On top of that, we could use another administrator just in general. Do not get me wrong. I believe that the Administration team is excellent and tries to do their best. I believe that they are important members of Nation States, and that is why we could use another Administration member. Many active Administrators are active in a number of regions and are often busy with real life matters as well. I don't think it is such an awful thing to have one more administrator. I personally would support Erastide to become administrator.
Elections are starting and once they conclude, we may have more admin manpower than we have at the moment.

Since McMasterdonia's and Flemingovia's took office for unexpired partial terms, it created a short term and not a long term problem. And these were just after the previous manpower problem while Eluvatar was serving as the elected Delegate.

Maybe what we need is a term of office with no admin holding offices that conflict with forum matters. It would simplify matters immensely, and the perceived shortage would disappear.
I do not think this has much to do with the situation. This is not a temporary problem, even if all of the admin team decide not to run for any governmental office. Here is why:

Let's bring a few facts into this, shall we?

Leaving aside the hersfold account, we have five admins.

GBM brings a lot of wisdom to the team, but in terms of admin jobs, she is inactive. In all her time on the admin team she has only performed eight admin tasks.

Ator people is inactive. His last admin activity was on June 26th - six months ago.

Grosseschnauzer is moderately inactive; apart from approving a few name changes he has performed no admin tasks since 22nd November.

I have been moderately inactive - 13 actions in December 2012 - less than I should have done.

Elu has bourne the bulk of the administration of this forum. During the same period, December 2012, Eluvatar performed 189 admin tasks.

Those are the facts - and I do not think election results will change the activity level all that much.

I have been saying for a long, long time that we need to expand the admin team. Not the moderators - the Admins.

And I think the facts support my postition.
In all seriousness though, The Forum Administration needs to be expanded. 1-2 is fine. The facts Flemingovia posted gave me a heart attack.
I don't necessarily think "expanded" is the right word. If there are admins who aren't doing admin stuff, why do they need admin at all? It's not that there are too few admins,it would seem, but rather that the admins we have, with a couple of exceptions, aren't doing any admin stuff.
I said nothing about boasting. I'm simply curious why the conversation is about adding even more admins, instead of asking why the ones who are already there aren't doing anything.
I would like to serve please
It amazes me that a) you're serious, and b) you expect this request to be taken seriously.
Your rudeness and condescension is noted.

I am expressing a willingness to serve as I have had experience being a forum admin on Zetaboards. Nothing more.
I said nothing about boasting. I'm simply curious why the conversation is about adding even more admins, instead of asking why the ones who are already there aren't doing anything.
Please don't ask questions that are already covered. You seem to have a habit of doing this.

Someone above already mentioned that certain members bring wisdom or experience. There's no need to remove an admin simply because they aren't utilizing their powers 100% of the time.

I do like the application idea, however.
When I think about the best admins I've been around, they administrate the forum and don't give a rat's behind about the politics of the forum even if they hold a government position. I see the role of the administrator to be one where you make it easy for the users to play and try to keep folks in line with TOS agreements. Some admins are the maskers, others are the ones making forum changes, others lead the global mod team, etc, but they all play a role and hopefully that role is as unbiased as possible.

some of us old people recall how twoslit abused his powers as admin and an abusive admin kills an offsite forum more than any coup - in my humble opinion. It seems as though, based on stats Flem cited that during the month of December Elu did the heavy lifting from an administrative task perspective. It also seems that there are enough bodies on the admin team to complete the jobs necessary.

I think you admins need to have a conversation amongst yourselves about roles and expectations on the admin team. If people aren't pulling their weight call 'em out and see what they're willing to do about it. However, if this occurs in public it won't be good. I also think we need more global moderators - i think 2 more would be good. Having moderators available at different hours just makes a forum that much more easy to use and efficient. I think given how much is being posted daily on these boards, it makes sense. Someone should post some of the forums stats, e.g. # of mask changes, new registrants, posts, PMs, etc. and doing some analysis on these topics could help you figure out the right balance of how many admins/mods needed.

just my two dimes.
Global Moderators on this forum can do little more than approve topics, close/pin topics and monitor threads for arguments. They have no access to Admin CP. More of them won't solve the issue. Unless the abilities they have are reassessed.

Ator doesn't log on regularly enough yet still has ACP access. Perhaps remove him as an admin, open applications and pick the most experienced candidate who has the most time to replace him on the team? Should he return and be more active, you can consider restoring him to the position.