Nickname?: Milograd, Carta
Main Nation?: Milograd
Home Region?: The South Pacific, Gholgoth
Military Alignment? Are you active militarily?: Inactive Defender
RL Country?: United States of America
Favourite Colour?: Crimson, Black
Do you use IRC?: Yes.
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: I'm not sure.
Do you enjoy Roleplay or games? I like RPing, and have RP'd a lot on NS' forums.
I suppose that I'm a bit late, lol.
Main Nation?: Milograd
Home Region?: The South Pacific, Gholgoth
Military Alignment? Are you active militarily?: Inactive Defender
RL Country?: United States of America
Favourite Colour?: Crimson, Black
Do you use IRC?: Yes.
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: I'm not sure.
Do you enjoy Roleplay or games? I like RPing, and have RP'd a lot on NS' forums.
I suppose that I'm a bit late, lol.