At Vote: Repeal "Liberate Nationalist Union" [Complete] [Complete]


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
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Repeal "Liberate Nationalist Union":
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: SC#85

Proposed by: Feux

Description: WA Security Council Resolution #85: Liberate Nationalist Union shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The Security Council,

Recognizing the purpose of liberation resolutions to free regions from passwords that have been unwilling imposed upon or deemed unnecessary by the native communities within the regions concerning the liberation resolution;

Noting Security Council resolution number eighty-five was written to free Nationalist Union from the extremist left wing forces of Antifa;

Disappointed in how Nationalist Union fell to Antifa regardless of the liberation resolution to free the native community from the tyrannical administration established by the invading forces and the systematic dismantling of the community within the region;

Observing Antifa was successful in ascertaining its own administrative control over the region since April 10th, 2012 and replacing the original native community, which the liberation was written to protect, with members who's loyalty lays with that of the original invading force rendering the original purpose of the liberation obsolete;

Disillusioned in the conveyance the liberation resolution brings to the laughable and inept nature of a highly unskilled organization’s triumph that does not merit such attention;

Thankful that remnants of Nationalist Union's original native community have escaped the clutches of the Antifa forces by setting up residences within Union of Nationalists;

Further Recognizing the term native to be subjective to the individual or group of individuals that share in the same aspiration to advocate the barney that perhaps the current inhabiting company, which replaced the original dwellers, could be acknowledged to some extent as natives, which advocate the removal of this liberation;

Believing Security Council resolution number eight-five, at the current state, serves no purpose and should be repealed for the specified reasons above as well as cleanse the Security Council of despondent resolutions which could just serve as trophies for those that stand in opposition of the Security Council's mission to spread interregional peace and goodwill;

Hereby Repeals: "Liberate Nationalist Union"

Only voted in TNP as yet.

Edit: Changed vote.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

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Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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