Getting Up to Speed


Hey, just wanted to check in now that I'm properly masked. Obviously I won't rule on TNP v. JAL, or any of the requests for review which I've put before the court, but I'm good to go on everything else - no conflicts present themselves, nor will I be serving as an attorney for anything unless TNP v. Eluvatar comes forward.

I will not submit any requests for review that do not arise out of TNP v. JAL - I'm on the court to rule, it's for everyone else to bring matters before us.

I want to draft some additions and revisions to the legal rules - we don't have attorney-client privilege for example right now and I think that needs to change, but I have legislation that can do that just as easily. That, and I think we ought to figure out a way to add contempt of court and something like FRCP Rule 11 to our rules, but I'm not sure how we can do that given a couple of constitutional issues.

Anyways, I'm here - tell me where I'm needed. If you guys want to shift any moderating on an as-yet-unopened trial to me, I'm glad to take over that work, as well. I could do the Unibot case, for example - literally nothign has happened in that yet so an administrative change would not affect any matters of law.