Nickname?: Iro
Main Nation?: Ironicness
Home Region?: Atrigeas
Military Alignment? Are you active militarily?: Defender, not particularly active.
RL Country?: USA
Favourite Colour?: Yellow
Do you use IRC?: You betcha. (Host of #NSnetwork show Level Up!)
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Independently Conservative Liberal. Which is to say, mostly liberal. Anarchy is good too.
Do you enjoy Roleplay or games? Yes. RP is good.
So ohaider! I'm Iro, I dabble in a lot of regions but mainly I linger around Atrigeas (from which I just resigned the Patron-ship) and TNP. I love elections and roleplay, both of which I take part in frequently around NationStates. Look forward to meeting you and slapping you around a bit with a large trout.
Main Nation?: Ironicness
Home Region?: Atrigeas
Military Alignment? Are you active militarily?: Defender, not particularly active.
RL Country?: USA
Favourite Colour?: Yellow
Do you use IRC?: You betcha. (Host of #NSnetwork show Level Up!)
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Independently Conservative Liberal. Which is to say, mostly liberal. Anarchy is good too.
Do you enjoy Roleplay or games? Yes. RP is good.
So ohaider! I'm Iro, I dabble in a lot of regions but mainly I linger around Atrigeas (from which I just resigned the Patron-ship) and TNP. I love elections and roleplay, both of which I take part in frequently around NationStates. Look forward to meeting you and slapping you around a bit with a large trout.