In Queue: International Smuggling Act[Archived] [Complete]


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
International Smuggling Act:
International Smuggling Act

A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Abacathea

Description: Recognizing The significance of trade between nations as well as the significance to individual nations of national made products and produce and the revenues generated through both as well as the danger to consumers purchasing knock off products.

Further recognizing and acknowledging The World Assembly's neutrality in relation to a world assembly police force, military force or like task force.

Clarifies for the purpose of the act: Smuggling as an attempt to bring in to a nation any item which is by nature a fraudulant copy of a product pre-existing on the market, an attempt to defraud the exchequer of revenues due or an attempt to contravene national laws or international laws through procurement and trade of items deemed restricted or illegal.


(i) A commitment from all member nations to dedicate a portion of its police/defence forces for the purpose of customs and revenue, to include but not limited to; border patrols both air and sea to within national sovereignty.

(ii) For the purpose of pursuit of individuals engaged in revenue fraud/conspiracy, it is to the discretion of bordering nations that pursuits may continue up to 20 kilometers across sovereign boundaries to provide sufficient time for the relevant national task force to intercept said pursuit. Nations crossing borders without first acquiring consent under this act are liable to the relevant legal ramifications for crossing said boundaries.

(iii) In the case of section (ii) should a nation not directly border another WA nation, individual sovereignty for the purpose of the act will extend to halfway between nations effectively preventing any airspace or waterway free from legislation.

(iii)(a) Nations will only be allowed to enact section (iii) to pursue individuals attempting to flee due process, regular patrols will be restricted to within a nations pre-defined borders otherwise.

(iv) Nations will be allow extradition of offenders to nation of original detection for due process UNLESS the offenders were apprehended within their nation of residence. Ergo, offenders returning from a smuggling run to their original nation boundaries will be processed in said nation regardless of national force responsible for apprehension.

(v) Nations to keep track of suspected loss of revenues within realistic parameters per annum and provide these records to the WA should they be requested.

(vi) Nations to keep track of arrests as a result of the I.S.A (international smuggling act) per annum and be able to provide these to the WA should they be requested.

(vii) Nations to sieze, itemize and destroy any goods obtained as a result of the act and to maintain these records for a period of 5 years minimum so they may be reviewed at any given point by national authorities or the WA on request.

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