ARCHIVED: Koryo Times


Koryo Times is the official news agency of Koryo.

July 29, 2107

Concubine Jung(Royal Full Name: Jessica Jung) has been named the hottest woman of Koryo's Joseon IB Times Magazine.
She has been spotted occasionally in Pusan and Seokcho(Mideastern beach area), wearing bikinis and swimsuits.
A high royal lady with a height of 5'5'' and a weight of 105 lbs., she is deemed an extraordinarily fit lady.


Royal Prince of Koryo, Prince Yeongcheon, is in his maturation stage; he is soon to turn seventeen. However, the gap between the age of the Great Taejo and his son is considerably wide, bringing into question how the young man can be deemed a potential successor(Taeja) of DRUK. There is also a rumour of a possible regency from Soon-to-be Queen Saeyeong.
Royal Prince Yeongcheon (Daegun) and Consort Lim are to be married within this month. Brides' family has brought gifts and dowry towards the Imperial and Royal Family.

NationStates has officially recognized the capital city of Democratic Republic of United Koryo as Seoul.


King Taejo(First Monarch of Koryo) has officially declared Grand Prince Yeongcheon(Yeongcheon Daegun) heir to the throne, despite his young age of 19. Consort Lim, his wife, is set to become the First Lady of Koryo.
King Taejo to relinquish throne to pass it to Crown Prince Yeongcheon, once the latter arrives back from his post-secondary education in Kingborough.

King Taejo is quickly admitted to the United Koryo General Hospital, and he is placed in the Emergency Room.
Crown Prince Yeongcheon, the Royal Family, and all political officials of Koryo have been expected to visit him as soon as possible.


Our beloved King has passed away.

Funeral will be held publicly on February 2, 2118 in the Seoul Square.

Crown Prince Yeongcheon is set to be inaugurated farily shortly after the period of mourning.
Crown Prince Yeongcheon has been placed in throne with Empress Lim as the First Lady.

His mother, Saeyoung, becomes the Queen, also known as Queen Saeyoung.

King Yeongcheon has been admitted to United Koryo General Hospital for a "neurological checkup that requires utmost attention". He has been speculated of being diagnosed of multiple sclerosis, a rare nerve-degrading disease that may be fatal.

Koryo officials have began, with inconvenient but needed attitude, to discuss the possibility of succession of an heir to the throne. Despite King Yeongcheon's young age, 31, he will have to wisely and prduently choose over one of his three sons for assumption of the throne to continue the Koryo Dynasty.

However, critics openly condemn the idea of a young heir to the throne, considering a possible regency by either Empress Saeyoung, Empress Cheoneui, Cheonyae, or Cheonae. Empress Saeyoung is considered to be the most probable when the Koryo political officials and nobles approve of the regency, requiring a majority of 60% vote, since she is the Great Lady(Mother of King), as opposed to First Lady(Wife of King).

The outcome remains unclear, as Empress Cheoneui has the influence not solely for being the mother of the firstborn of King Yeongcheon, but also from her father, who is the CEO of the largest record-publishing industry in United Koryo. Empress Cheoneui is the youngest daughter of her CEO father.
Official Grand Assembly, composed of top Koryo political officials, has voted in favour of Empress Cheoneui 40 to 35, in her regency of Prince Euigwang(Prospective heir, since he is firstborn); however, due to a minority of votes(below 80%), a re-vote is being contemplated.

Critics contend a re-vote is futile, as Empress Cheoneui maintains a strong grip on an extensive social network amongst a significant portion of middle-class voters, who are primarily affiliated with her father's recording industry.
King Yeongcheon has been released from the hospital, and has returned to the Imperial Palace of Koryo.
However, he is making orders for preparation of allocation of Imperial resources and assets. Is he contemplating writing a will, knowing his health has been compromised severely?

Our sovereign leader, our young Emperor, King Yeongcheon has passed away. A comprehensive medical diagnosis was implemented on him, confirming multiple sclerosis and a malignant(IV) brain tumor.

As a result of his death, he has been given a posthumous name(a tradition to all Kings), Seojong, meaning, "wise sovereign".

The sudden passing of King Seojong has left the Koryo Palace in turmoil, as political elites and officials are desperate to find a new successor to the throne. Queen Saeyoung and Empress Cheoneui are exhibiting a political duel, where the latter is attempting to place her son(firstborn), Prince Euigwang(12), on the throne, whereas, the former is attempting to place Cheoneui's secondborn son, Prince Euiyong(10), on the throne.

Queen Saeyoung is convincingly proclaiming her right of regency of Prince Euiyong as not only the Great Lady, but also the most accurate predictor of the will, which King Seojong failed to complete, before his passing. She claims that Seojong has, in private, placed Euiyong's fate onto his mother's hands, signifying the selection of Euiyong as the successor to the throne.

Empress Cheoneui, on the other hand, claims there is no concrete, thus conclusive evidence of Queen Saeyoung's claim.

However, in contrary to the minority of votes in favour of Empress Cheoneui's regency over Euigwang, the Koryo Palace as well as the public seem to be supporting more towards Queen Saeyoung's claims.

Empress Saeyoung has been crowned as Empress Dowager Saeyoung to regent over Cheoneui's Son: Prince Euigwang. The royal inauguration will be held soon with King Euigwang, becoming the youngest monarch of United Koryo at the age of 12.

How is Cheoneui's child regented by the Great Lady?

Here is the story:

The night of August 28, Queen Saeyoung requested a public conversation with political elites and aristocrats, along with Empress Cheoneui. The former, towards her daughter-in-law, had accepted the assumption of the throne by Prince Euigwang, and expressed contemplation in "living the rest of [her] life serenely and pleasantly". Empress Cheoneui expressed her joy and rush of victory against her mother-in-law by stating that Cheoneui needs to "repay the great generosity from [her] mother-in-law, who has comforted and looked after her as her own daughter".

Queen Saeyoung, then, asked Euigwang to be adopted as her own son, stating that such act was the Queen's earnest, one wish she wanted from her daughter-in-law. For fear of tarnishing her reputation by rejecting her mother-in-law's earnest wish, she begrudgingly accepted, hoping, in the future, she would be reunited with her son, Euigwang, as a regent.

As a result, Queen Saeyoung took a sudden power grip over Prince Euigwang, making him King Euigwang, while making herself Empress Dowager. One other situation to note is Empress Dowager Saeyoung has deep affection for Prince Euisin, the secondborn son of Cheoneui.
Koryo Times News

Grand Empress Dowager Saeyoung has been coronated as Grand Empress Dowager Seonju.
It is, by tradition of Koryo, that Empress Dowagers bear "highly royal and near-divine" names, as opposed to their former Imperial names.
King Euigwang has passed away, as a result of myocardial infarction.

Grand Empress Dowager Seonju retains her title, and is expected to discuss the legitimate heir to the throne.