Repeal Liberate Republicans

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TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
The Security Council,

Acknowledging the purpose of Security Council Resolution #41, "Liberate Republicans," to help return the region to the native nations of Republicans by restoring free entry to the region and removing a password imposed by the Nazi-affiliated region The Greater German Reich,

Noting the Security Council's support of Republicans in their time of need,

Recognizing that there is now an active Founding Nation that has the ability to suppress foreign invasions from enemy groups,

Applauding that the founder has limit WA Delegate access to regional control for regional security,

Realizing that the Liberation currently in effect for this region is unnecessary as the region is not at risk for future invasions,

Observing that this Resolution was enacted over a year and a half ago and that foreign invaders are no longer present,

Cognizant of the fact that Republicans’ native population has grown since the enactment of the Liberation,

Believing that this Liberation is no longer required and that the ability to password protect the region should be returned to the community of Republicans,

Hereby Repeals Security Council Resolution #41, "Liberate Republicans."

Co-authored by Mousebumples.
Minister of World Assembly Affairs,

Upon the urging of my Secretary of Regional Security and my Secretary of Inter-National Intelligence, I'd rather discuss this one, which grieves me to know that Zemnaya Svoboda is actually just a puppet, and that you are actually Eluvatar!
*Shakes Head*
I should have seen it coming, what with calling yourself Eluvatar on this forum and all! :duh:
This puts into serious question the safety of the Ministry of WA Affairs!!! (Your excellent job as Minister thus far not withstanding)
As well as the judgement and sanity of our Elected Delegate McMasterdonia, who would place you in this position, apparently knowing full well that ZS is a PUPPET!!!


Lord Byron
Supreme Leader
God n Country n Byron
:tb3: :cry: :ill:
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