Alvino Castillon
Q1: A Blog? You?
A1: Yeah. Boss' orders and all... yep that's it.
Q2: So... what will you be writing about?
A2: A lot of things actually. Hopefully.
Q3: ...Well? We're waiting.
A3: ...Fine. "In, Out of Character, and In Between" is a blog made by yours truly. I will be covering a large array of topics from In Character thought processes and its creation, to real world topics that seem to (somewhat) affect our daily lives*, to the in between moments of connectivity between myself and my characters. Before you ask the next question, I am a member of NationStates for Three years and I excel in character and diplomatic Role Playing. I am a college student focusing on a Major in Political Science and considering a Minor in Journalism. I often play strategy games (ex. Civilization V; Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends) or Role Play in my spare time.
Q4: What is the "In Between" part of it?
A4: At times in RolePlaying on NationStates, there are sometimes moments of connection between myself in the real world and my characters in the "imaginary" one. At times, I will focus on my internal rants when things happen in Role Play that seem really random or really messed up... or the times when I allow myself a moment of using my OP powers in a sadistic manner In Character. Yes, that seems messed up. Yes, I am more than sure we have all done it at least once.
Q5: I don't agree with your most recent blog post. It's kinda shitty.
A5: Cool. Humanity still works as intended. We all have a right to disagree. However, I request that if you wish to state your disapproval, please don't just put a single sentence that can be translated into "You suck." I reserve the right to not address your response should I feel I do not have the time or I feel it will go around in circles. If you are upset by this, I apologize but again... College/Role Playing/Real Life/Webcomics. Please read the warning at the bottom before you continue onwards to the next post.
Q6: I have a question, but it isn't here.
A6: Just post a reply here or send me a Private Message.
*Daily lives can range from my national homeland (the United States) to a regional matter (the Middle East) to globally.
WARNING: My views will most likely not align with social norms. I will probably not agree with you on a number of things in an In Character and Out Of Character fashion. I may even irk you a bit. That being said, my views are strong, but will have been moderated enough to adhere to site rules and Terms Of Service.