ARCHIVED: House Edwick

The Noble House Edwick

House Edwick is a proud old and noble family lineage of Oceanian descent, its seat being within the Duchy of Tasmania at Edwick Hall. It's holdings further extend to the British Isles, where Manor Edwick sits in the beautiful vales of Scotland, and to the North Pacific, where House Edwick's Manor Pacifica is the regional seat of the family.

House Edwick

The ancestral home of the family is Edwick Hall, an ancient rambling mansion with extensive gardens. Among its many features are extensive collections of fine china, pottery and porcelain, and its old gardens are famous across the land - almost as much as the hospitality of Sir Kingborough is, and the grand balls held at Edwick Hall.

The Edwick family also owns Manor Edwick;


And Manor Pacifica;


The Name
The family name, Edwick, is an old one recounted to the 12th century and believed to be descended from a lost town of the same name of which no record remains except for the surname of people descended from its inhabitants.{ref}.

Edwick as a MythiKa Subbranch
Following the adoption of Sir Kingborough Edwick by Aliandra MythiKa, the House of Edwick is a subbranch of the House of MythiKa. This therefore complicates matters, meaning members of House Edwick can either use the surname of Edwick-MythiKa, or just Edwick. Membership in House Edwick makes one also a MythiKa.

Join the family
To join House Edwick please inquire with the head of the house, Kingborough Edwick-Stark.​