Request for Review:A controversy has recently arisen over whether or not nations of The North Pacific can fly the regional flag given that the flag contains within it the coat of arms, in light of Section 7.1, #4 of the Legal Code:
Could the Court provide clarification on the following issues:4. The arms of the North Pacific may not be used except to represent the North Pacific or an official regional entity.
1. Does Section 7.1, #4 of the Legal Code contradict the following clause from paragraph #2 of the Bill of Rights:
2. Does Section 7.1, #4 of the Legal Code prohibit anyone who is not "an official regional entity" from flying the flag simply because it contains the coat of arms, despite the Legal Code containing no explicit prohibition against flying the flag?2. Each Nation's rights to free speech, free press, and the free expression of religion shall not be infringed, and shall be encouraged, by the governmental authorities of the region.
3. Can nations of The North Pacific who are not "an official regional entity" legally fly the flag of The North Pacific?
Thank you.