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- Eluvatar#8517
A spontaneous debate was held between half a dozen of the candidates for Vice Delegate.
#tnp-debate:[(time=1353547860)] <Eluvatar> So it seems all the online candidates are here.
[(time=1353547920)] <RabbiCellophane> So it seems all the candidates who matter are here.*
[(time=1353547920)] <Eluvatar> The format will be a series of questions, for which each candidate will get 1 minute to answer it (in random order)
[(time=1353547920)] <Insaniac> Okay.
[(time=1353547920)] <Eluvatar> after which there will be a 5 minute period to discuss
[(time=1353547920)] --> FriarTuck joined the channel
[(time=1353547920)] --> Erastide joined the channel
[(time=1353547920)] --- Eluvatar changed mode: +o FriarTuck
[(time=1353547920)] <Insaniac> I'll answer these questions legitimately instead of my normal parody.
[(time=1353547920)] <Eluvatar> .in 5 minutes begin
[(time=1353547920)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind at 01:37Z
[(time=1353547920)] <Biyah`Tomb> am I here?
[(time=1353547980)] --> Sovreignry joined the channel
[(time=1353547980)] --> heronlord joined the channel
[(time=1353547980)] <Eluvatar> Yes
[(time=1353547980)] * Biyah`Tomb pokes King
[(time=1353548040)] --> Mahaj joined the channel
[(time=1353548040)] <Kingborough> there you are
[(time=1353548040)] * Kingborough violently murders his IRC client
[(time=1353548040)] <Biyah`Tomb> I've been here
[(time=1353548040)] <Insaniac> Kingborough: Should I answer these in my parody campaign or legitimately?
[(time=1353548040)] <Kingborough> which are you running on?
[(time=1353548040)] <Insaniac> Parody,
[(time=1353548100)] <Eluvatar> FriarTuck: .py random.shuffle(['a','b','c'])
[(time=1353548100)] <Kingborough> your choice
[(time=1353548100)] <Insaniac> Ohk...
[(time=1353548100)] <Insaniac> I'll randomly switch.
[(time=1353548100)] <Insaniac>
[(time=1353548100)] <RabbiCellophane> Serious campaign is serious.
[(time=1353548100)] --> Bel joined the channel
[(time=1353548160)] <Insaniac> Omagosh, Bel
[(time=1353548160)] <Insaniac> Is it really him.
[(time=1353548220)] <Eluvatar> FriarTuck!
[(time=1353548220)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar!
[(time=1353548220)] <Eluvatar> ok it's not broked
[(time=1353548220)] <Funkadelia>
[(time=1353548220)] <Kingborough> sorry, its his turnip twin Insaniac
[(time=1353548220)] <Funkadelia> Hi Friartuck!
[(time=1353548220)] <Eluvatar> It'll tell us to begin shortly
[(time=1353548220)] <Funkadelia> Hi FriarTuck!
[(time=1353548220)] <Eluvatar> I set a 5 minute timer
[(time=1353548220)] <Funkadelia> damn you ft
[(time=1353548220)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: begin
[(time=1353548220)] --- Eluvatar changed topic: TNP Vice Delegate Debate
[(time=1353548280)] --> Neenee joined the channel
[(time=1353548280)] --> Romanoffia joined the channel
[(time=1353548280)] <Eluvatar> First I will shuffle the list of present candidates
[(time=1353548280)] <Kingborough> yay
[(time=1353548280)] --- Eluvatar changed mode: +v Romanoffia
[(time=1353548280)] <Eluvatar> adding Romanoffia to it
[(time=1353548280)] <Romanoffia> ;D
[(time=1353548280)] <Eluvatar> ['Chasmanthe', 'Funkadelia', 'RabbiCellophane', 'Scandigrad', 'Romanoffia', 'Biyah`Tomb', 'Insaniac', 'Kingborough']
[(time=1353548280)] <Eluvatar> is our random order for the first question.
[(time=1353548280)] <Chasmanthe> damn it
[(time=1353548280)] <Chasmanthe> ok
[(time=1353548280)] <Eluvatar> As I stated earlier, the debaters will have 1 minute to respond in turn,
[(time=1353548340)] <Eluvatar> followed by a five minute mutal debate period
[(time=1353548340)] <Eluvatar> (free for all)
[(time=1353548340)] <Chasmanthe> free for all is not a candidate
[(time=1353548340)] <Funkadelia> lol
[(time=1353548340)] <Scandigrad> Shh!
[(time=1353548340)] <Insaniac> Chas
[(time=1353548340)] <Scandigrad> DecoruM!
[(time=1353548340)] <Insaniac> *rolls eyes*
[(time=1353548340)] <Eluvatar> Regional Security is obviously the central focus of the Vice Delegate. What is the most important thing for the Vice Delegate to do in that regard?
[(time=1353548340)] <Eluvatar> Chasmanthe?
[(time=1353548340)] <Eluvatar> .in 1 minute proceed to Funkadelia
[(time=1353548340)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind at 01:40Z
[(time=1353548340)] <Chasmanthe> I'm glad you asked that question
[(time=1353548400)] <Chasmanthe> be alert
[(time=1353548400)] <Chasmanthe> that is the most important thing
[(time=1353548400)] <Chasmanthe> banject legitimate threats to security
[(time=1353548400)] <Chasmanthe> ok is one minute up now
[(time=1353548400)] <Eluvatar> It will be shortly.
[(time=1353548400)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: proceed to Funkadelia
[(time=1353548400)] <Funkadelia> Thank you.
[(time=1353548400)] <Eluvatar> .in 1 minute proceed to RabbiCellophane
[(time=1353548400)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind at 01:41Z
[(time=1353548460)] <Funkadelia> I feel that in regards to security, it is important for a VD to always be alert
[(time=1353548460)] <Funkadelia> For threats
[(time=1353548460)] <Funkadelia> And preparing for the unfortunate time where they may have to suceed the delgate
[(time=1353548460)] <Funkadelia> If they are removed from office
[(time=1353548520)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: proceed to RabbiCellophane
[(time=1353548520)] <Funkadelia> They must ensure that all the endocounts are just right for an easy transition
[(time=1353548520)] <RabbiCellophane> Most important thing for a VD is to park his ass in the region and collect endorsements.
[(time=1353548520)] <Eluvatar> .in 1 minute proceed to Scandigrad
[(time=1353548520)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind at 01:43Z
[(time=1353548520)] <RabbiCellophane> Thank you.
[(time=1353548520)] <Eluvatar> oh you're one?
[(time=1353548520)] <Eluvatar> *done
[(time=1353548520)] <RabbiCellophane> Yes.
[(time=1353548520)] <Eluvatar> Scandigrad: you're up now then
[(time=1353548520)] <Scandigrad> Very well
[(time=1353548520)] <Scandigrad> The most important thing for a delegate to do is engage the region.
[(time=1353548580)] <Scandigrad> Get to know people in the region, and get involved.
[(time=1353548580)] <Scandigrad> That's why under my plan, I plan on bringing RP into the mix.
[(time=1353548580)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: proceed to Scandigrad
[(time=1353548580)] <Kingborough> lol
[(time=1353548580)] <Scandigrad> It helps get to know members, and keep track of who is involved, who is a threat, and who isn't.
[(time=1353548580)] <Eluvatar> okay, Romanoffia, you're up
[(time=1353548580)] <Romanoffia> The single most important thing for the Vice Delegate to do is his or her Constitutional and Legal duties.
[(time=1353548580)] <Eluvatar> .in 1 minute proceed to Biyah`Tomb
[(time=1353548580)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind at 01:44Z
[(time=1353548640)] <Romanoffia> Primarily, to maintain the proper level of endorsements as required,
[(time=1353548640)] <Romanoffia> To study and understand the role of the Delegate so as to be ready to assume that position if needed,
[(time=1353548640)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: proceed to Biyah`Tomb
[(time=1353548640)] <Romanoffia> To maintain proper cooperation and advise of the security council to facilitate those ends,'
[(time=1353548700)] <Eluvatar> Biyah`Tomb: you're up
[(time=1353548700)] <Biyah`Tomb> Unlike the PRP'er, the VD should do more than just park his ass. The VD is also supposed to reach out, shake hands, and prepare to take over from a delegate that can't do the job. It's about personality and stability and reliability.
[(time=1353548700)] <Romanoffia> Not done yet...
[(time=1353548700)] <Biyah`Tomb> I've been in that position at least twice, TWP and Osiris and TEP. The closest thing most of these candidates know about VD is, well, something that is solved in a hospital.
[(time=1353548700)] <Eluvatar> .in 1 minute proceed to Insaniac
[(time=1353548700)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind at 01:46Z
[(time=1353548700)] <Biyah`Tomb> done
[(time=1353548700)] <Eluvatar> ah
[(time=1353548700)] <Eluvatar> Insaniac: you're up
[(time=1353548700)] <Insaniac> It is my personal belief that that the most important thing the Vice Delegate can do in that regard is to cooperate with the general populace and with the Security Council. With a greater level of cooperation, more information can get processed and threats can be processed easier. With the easier processing of threats and general clutter going away, threats can be dealt with easier and the entire ordeal of security crisises will end
[(time=1353548700)] <Eluvatar> are you done as well? XD
[(time=1353548700)] <Insaniac> Yes
[(time=1353548700)] <Eluvatar> Kingborough: You're up
[(time=1353548700)] <Eluvatar> .in 1 minute definitely time for free-for-all
[(time=1353548700)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind at 01:46Z
[(time=1353548700)] <Kingborough> In regards to security, I don't believe that their is one most important area - it important to be active and alert, as well as to maintain a high endorsement level at all times requiring constant endo swapping and dedication to the job, plus to undertaken the constitution duties of the Vice Delegate and to associate with the regional population and become a person they know and will support in a change over or emergency. Therefore, there are lot
[(time=1353548700)] <Kingborough> equally important areas and you can't really prioritise one over any others.
[(time=1353548760)] <Kingborough> no one most*
[(time=1353548760)] <Kingborough> sorry, typo
[(time=1353548760)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: proceed to Insaniac
[(time=1353548760)] <Kingborough> nvm, I didn't typo
[(time=1353548760)] <Kingborough> reading things weirdly
[(time=1353548760)] <Eluvatar> lol
[(time=1353548760)] <Eluvatar> Okay we can proceed to the free-for-all
[(time=1353548760)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: definitely time for free-for-all
[(time=1353548760)] <Insaniac> I like how Kingborough and I bought finished before Biyah`Tomb's minute was up.
[(time=1353548760)] <Eluvatar> I know Romanoffia had something to add to ihs bit
[(time=1353548760)] <Insaniac> both*
[(time=1353548760)] <RabbiCellophane> I stand for strength and security. The VD must stand by his post and gain influence to take over should the worst occur. Unlike my ADN friend, I don't believe in politicing for one's own sake, and to build a cult of personality.
[(time=1353548820)] <Kingborough> Its not about building a cult of personality, I agree.
[(time=1353548820)] <Biyah`Tomb> That's because you have no personality to make a cult of.
[(time=1353548820)] <Eluvatar> .in 5 minutes proceed to the next question
[(time=1353548820)] <Romanoffia> The vice delegate needs understand the function of all elements of government....
[(time=1353548820)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind at 01:52Z
[(time=1353548820)] <Insaniac> One thing I've noticed, the answers from both Romanoffia and Kingborough seem fairly vague in my opinion.
[(time=1353548820)] <Funkadelia> I agree.
[(time=1353548820)] <Insaniac> Is their a chance you can expand on what you mean Romanoffia?
[(time=1353548820)] <Scandigrad> As do I
[(time=1353548820)] <Romanoffia> You want specifics?
[(time=1353548820)] <Insaniac> Yes.
[(time=1353548820)] <Kingborough> Its about serving the region and working to assure that it is secure. Vice Delegate is not about political power games
[(time=1353548820)] <Biyah`Tomb> VD is tied with power games, no matter how you slice it.
[(time=1353548880)] <Biyah`Tomb> That's politics.
[(time=1353548880)] <Funkadelia> Precisely
[(time=1353548880)] <Funkadelia> As king said O_o
[(time=1353548880)] <Romanoffia> The Vice Delegate needs to be ready to assume the position of Delegate at a moment's notice...
[(time=1353548880)] <RabbiCellophane> At least I don't borrow mine from the remnants of an organization notorious for its sabotage and divisiveness.
[(time=1353548880)] <Kingborough> You don't have to manipulate it to further your own power, Biyah
[(time=1353548880)] <Funkadelia> Obviously in some senses these power plays do come into play. I will not deny that
[(time=1353548880)] <Romanoffia> That means the VD needs to understand and have governmental experience.
[(time=1353548880)] <Funkadelia> But it just has to be on security
[(time=1353548880)] <Biyah`Tomb> I didn't say anything about manipulation of power. I refuse to believe that the position is completely divorced from politics, however, as you seem to suggst.
[(time=1353548880)] <Funkadelia> That's the focus
[(time=1353548880)] <Biyah`Tomb> That view is short-sighted and overly idealistic.
[(time=1353548880)] <Kingborough> Quite, ROman. But they shouldn't be using their office to further political aims
[(time=1353548880)] <Romanoffia> This also means that you need to support the Delegate and his policies.
[(time=1353548940)] <Insaniac> Kingborough: You seem to desire a removal of the VD position from political engagement?
[(time=1353548940)] <Scandigrad> I'm gonna second Biyah's statement
[(time=1353548940)] <Funkadelia> Roman, I think we can all agree that we have government experience
[(time=1353548940)] <Biyah`Tomb> One doesn't have to be a manipulator to realize they are in a highly visible government position.
[(time=1353548940)] <Insaniac> While that is an idealistic route, I can not agree with it.
[(time=1353548940)] <RabbiCellophane> Why the concern with power VD? What are you plotting?
[(time=1353548940)] <Romanoffia> You need to also have TNP as one's primary objective - no other regions, TNP only.
[(time=1353548940)] --> SleepingFigs joined the channel
[(time=1353548940)] <Kingborough> Insaniac: I don't believe it should be totally divorced from politics, but I don't think it should be used to further personal motivations
[(time=1353548940)] <Romanoffia> TNP is an end unto itself, not a means to an end.
[(time=1353548940)] <Insaniac> Kingborough: We can all agree on that
[(time=1353548940)] <Scandigrad> I can assure you that I have no plots. As a member of the North Pacific, and the North Pacific only, I want what is in the best interest of the region itself, and no other hidden agendas are at play.
[(time=1353548940)] <Insaniac> The motives of the state should be above the motives of the Individual.
[(time=1353549000)] <Romanoffia> No outside loyalties need apply.
[(time=1353549000)] <RabbiCellophane> TNP is an end unto itself...a FEEDER end, not a Userite trash bin.
[(time=1353549000)] <Romanoffia> No 'duality' crap.
[(time=1353549000)] <Kingborough> Exactly, Insaniac
[(time=1353549000)] <Romanoffia> TNP first, last and only.
[(time=1353549000)] <Funkadelia> Romanoffia, duality should not matter
[(time=1353549000)] <Funkadelia> That's insane
[(time=1353549000)] <Romanoffia> Yes it does.
[(time=1353549000)] <Funkadelia> Then we would have only you as a candidate
[(time=1353549000)] <Scandigrad> The VD should be someone who is deeply rooted in the region.
[(time=1353549000)] <Funkadelia> If that were the case
[(time=1353549000)] <Scandigrad> And me
[(time=1353549000)] <Funkadelia> Yes
[(time=1353549000)] <Funkadelia> Sorry
[(time=1353549000)] <Biyah`Tomb> 'The motives of the States' implies that you know what the state requires.
[(time=1353549000)] * Scandigrad is hurt
[(time=1353549000)] <Insaniac> Arguable, the more knowledge the VD has on other regions, the better.
[(time=1353549000)] <Funkadelia> Exactly
[(time=1353549000)] <Chasmanthe> Duty is a means to itself but any position can be used a means to an end.
[(time=1353549000)] <Funkadelia> And the more experience they have from other regions
[(time=1353549060)] <Romanoffia> You can no more separate yourself form multiple identities than you can your head from your arse. No duality. No split loyalties.
[(time=1353549060)] <Insaniac> Being a member of larger regions, regions that may pose a threat to the TNP, is a good thing to have.
[(time=1353549060)] <Funkadelia> Obviously drifters should not hold the position
[(time=1353549060)] <Kingborough> NationStates is quite different in that area, ROman and I beg to differ. Multiple personalities in NS is quite possible
[(time=1353549060)] <Romanoffia> No one who has any outside loyalties should hold the position of Delegate or Vice Delegate.
[(time=1353549060)] <Funkadelia> But the idea that people only ever involved in TNP should hold executive decisions would be asinine
[(time=1353549060)] <RabbiCellophane> Duality is a traitor's tool.
[(time=1353549060)] <Kingborough> Indeed, you can have multiple personalities in RL but normally your insane in that case
[(time=1353549060)] <Funkadelia> So Eluvatar should never have been delegate?
[(time=1353549060)] <Funkadelia> Nor BWII?
[(time=1353549060)] <Kingborough> McM shouldn't be delegate?
[(time=1353549120)] <Romanoffia> No opinon.
[(time=1353549120)] <Funkadelia> Nor McM?
[(time=1353549120)] <Biyah`Tomb> al love to Elu, but you just picked an example that was removed?
[(time=1353549120)] <Romanoffia> That policy is just my course of action, personally.
[(time=1353549120)] <Funkadelia> Well following your logic they shouldnt be
[(time=1353549120)] <Scandigrad> McM didn't have dual citizenships at time of his VD election
[(time=1353549120)] <Kingborough> he said three examples
[(time=1353549120)] <Funkadelia> Biyah, that was not in regards to duality
[(time=1353549120)] <Kingborough> and Elu was removed for inactivity not for any other problem
[(time=1353549120)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: proceed to the next question
[(time=1353549120)] <Eluvatar> (As a note, the debate moderator will be enforcing a certain level of decorum.)
[(time=1353549120)] <Romanoffia> My promise is that I represent TNP, and TNP only.
[(time=1353549120)] <Biyah`Tomb> true, true.
[(time=1353549120)] <Eluvatar> Now, the next question.
[(time=1353549120)] <Eluvatar> A bit of a light-hearted one:
[(time=1353549120)] <Eluvatar> Why are you the worst candidate for the job?
[(time=1353549120)] <Kingborough> @Scandi - he did at the time of his delegate election
[(time=1353549120)] <Insaniac> Eluvatar: Is the order mentioned for everything or just each question?
[(time=1353549120)] * Biyah`Tomb shanks the NPO guy before question
[(time=1353549120)] <Eluvatar> Funkadelia: you're up
[(time=1353549120)] <Biyah`Tomb> ... dangit
[(time=1353549180)] <Scandigrad> lul
[(time=1353549180)] <Eluvatar> The order will be ['Funkadelia', 'Chasmanthe', 'Romanoffia', 'Kingborough', 'Scandigrad', 'RabbiCellophane', 'Insaniac', 'Biyah`Tomb']
[(time=1353549180)] <Insaniac> Yes, second to last, brb.
[(time=1353549180)] <Funkadelia> What
[(time=1353549180)] <Funkadelia> Wait what is the question?
[(time=1353549180)] <Eluvatar> Funkadelia: Why are you the worst candidate for the job?
[(time=1353549180)] <Funkadelia> Ah yes
[(time=1353549180)] <Eluvatar> .in 1 minute proceed to Chasmanthe
[(time=1353549180)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind at 01:54Z
[(time=1353549180)] <Funkadelia> Well, I would say that I am because
[(time=1353549180)] <Funkadelia> Relative to some other citizens and candidates I have less experience in the region
[(time=1353549240)] <Funkadelia> While I do understand the process and laws, I feel that I do not in the same way as the TNP veterans
[(time=1353549240)] <Funkadelia> That's all.
[(time=1353549240)] <Eluvatar> Chasmanthe: you're up now
[(time=1353549240)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: proceed to Chasmanthe
[(time=1353549240)] <Chasmanthe> I'm the worst candidate for the job because I'm naive, and I play the political game badly, and wouldn't create a cult of personality.
[(time=1353549240)] <Eluvatar> .in 1 minute proceed to Romanoffia
[(time=1353549240)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind at 01:55Z
[(time=1353549240)] <Romanoffia> Because I am a bastard of the first order. Because I don't take any [bgcolor=black][expunged][/bgcolor] from anyone, or any [bgcolor=black][expunged][/bgcolor] from outside influences, and I will not compromise on Democratic and Egalitarian principles. That, and if anyone effs with TNP, I will unleash a rash of [bgcolor=black][expunged][/bgcolor] on them like no one has ever seen before. :p
[(time=1353549240)] <Chasmanthe> I also shirk responsibility, have no experience of being in government in NS
[(time=1353549240)] --- Eluvatar changed mode: -v Romanoffia
[(time=1353549300)] <Chasmanthe> and... you can't tell if I'm being serious
[(time=1353549300)] <Chasmanthe> ok, go for it Roman!
[(time=1353549300)] <Eluvatar> Chasmanthe: he went out of turn
[(time=1353549300)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: proceed to Romanoffia
[(time=1353549300)] <Eluvatar> Kingborough: you're up
[(time=1353549300)] <Kingborough> I think I answered this question in my campaign thread, so I'll repeat a concise version of that. I am most likely not political enough for my own good, as I have had several clashes with petty politics in real life and do not wish to play those games in a …. well a game. Therefore I can be too honest and open and not shut up when I should be playing political games instead.
[(time=1353549360)] <Kingborough> And some people dislike that in what is a government office holder
[(time=1353549360)] <Eluvatar> Scandigrad: you're up
[(time=1353549360)] <Scandigrad> First off, if I thought I was the worst candidate for the job, I wouldn't run. So I wouldn't say I am the worst candidate. I think the intent of your question though, was to ask what I think my flaws are. My biggest flaw is that some people may think that I won't take this job seriously. As my record as DMoD has demonstrated, when I have a responsibility,
[(time=1353549360)] <Scandigrad> I will follow through.
[(time=1353549360)] <Eluvatar> .in 30s RabbiCellophane is up
[(time=1353549360)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind in 30 secs
[(time=1353549360)] <Eluvatar> or are you done Scandigrad ?
[(time=1353549420)] <Scandigrad> Not done
[(time=1353549420)] <Scandigrad> thinking
[(time=1353549420)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: RabbiCellophane is up
[(time=1353549420)] <Scandigrad> I also have not held a position outside of DMoD, which some may see as a flaw.
[(time=1353549420)] <Eluvatar> .in 1 minute proceed to Insaniac
[(time=1353549420)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind at 01:58Z
[(time=1353549420)] <RabbiCellophane> The question assumes that I am flawed, which I am not so I will not answer it.
[(time=1353549480)] <Eluvatar> ... or Insaniac can go now
[(time=1353549480)] <Scandigrad> lul
[(time=1353549480)] <Eluvatar> .in 1 minute proceed to Biyah`Tomb
[(time=1353549480)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind at 01:59Z
[(time=1353549480)] <Insaniac> I am thirteen years old, I swear a little too much and I've yet to read the constitution of the north pacific.
[(time=1353549480)] <Insaniac> Those are the major ones,
[(time=1353549480)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: proceed to Insaniac
[(time=1353549480)] <Insaniac> I'm also running this campaign as a parody, that too.
[(time=1353549540)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: proceed to Biyah`Tomb
[(time=1353549540)] <Biyah`Tomb> That's easy, who trusts me, I'm sneaky? I'm also too awesome for this crowd, all the Empire and ADN members were. I'd make most of you look like the pawns you are.... almost as bad as I make Molda... NK look. ADN trained its own well. Besides, I'm just in it for the paycheck.![]()
[(time=1353549540)] <Biyah`Tomb> done
[(time=1353549540)] <Eluvatar> .in 1 minute FREE FOR ALL
[(time=1353549540)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind at 02:00Z
[(time=1353549540)] <Eluvatar> oh
[(time=1353549540)] --- Eluvatar changed mode: +v Romanoffia
[(time=1353549540)] <Eluvatar> Free for all time, y'all
[(time=1353549540)] <Kingborough> What paycheck?
[(time=1353549540)] <Kingborough>
[(time=1353549540)] <Biyah`Tomb> you didn't hear about the paycheck?
[(time=1353549540)] <Biyah`Tomb> you poor, lost soul.
[(time=1353549540)] <Scandigrad> I am the [bgcolor=black][expunged][/bgcolor].
[(time=1353549540)] <Scandigrad> You should vote for me.
[(time=1353549540)] * Scandigrad is done.
[(time=1353549600)] <Romanoffia> This format of debate is BS.
[(time=1353549600)] <Biyah`Tomb> Vote for a pile. Got it.
[(time=1353549600)] <Romanoffia> It is chaotic and doesn't work.
[(time=1353549600)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: FREE FOR ALL
[(time=1353549600)] <Funkadelia> There's no need for a free for all on this question.
[(time=1353549600)] <Kingborough> .in 1 minute we've run out of things to say
[(time=1353549600)] <FriarTuck> Kingborough: Okay, will remind at 02:01Z
[(time=1353549600)] <RabbiCellophane> ADN had to pay 'cause who would sincerely follow such a morally-bankrupt army up for the highest Userite bidder?
[(time=1353549600)] <Romanoffia> As I said.
[(time=1353549600)] <Scandigrad> Motion to end free for all?
[(time=1353549600)] <Funkadelia> Seconded
[(time=1353549600)] <Eluvatar> Can do
[(time=1353549600)] <Kingborough> Seconded
[(time=1353549600)] <Biyah`Tomb> actually, we used that money to feed the poor and hungry of the PRP. Amazing how many turned that way.
[(time=1353549600)] <Romanoffia> The problem here is that everyone is more concerned with what is happening with everywhere other than The North Pacific.
[(time=1353549600)] <Eluvatar> our next question is a little odd, How would you support Grosseschnauzer if he was Delegate?
[(time=1353549600)] <Insaniac> Third.
[(time=1353549660)] <Funkadelia> That is not the issue
[(time=1353549660)] <Eluvatar> ['Kingborough', 'Chasmanthe', 'Scandigrad', 'RabbiCellophane', 'Insaniac', 'Biyah`Tomb', 'Funkadelia', 'Romanoffia']
[(time=1353549660)] <Romanoffia> Concentrate on our region, not what everyone else is doing.
[(time=1353549660)] <Eluvatar> Kingborough: you're up
[(time=1353549660)] <Funkadelia> And also not on topi
[(time=1353549660)] <Biyah`Tomb> Near last again, wow
[(time=1353549660)] <Kingborough> hmmph
[(time=1353549660)] <Kingborough> I had to be first
[(time=1353549660)] <Eluvatar> .in 1 minute proceed to Chasmanthe
[(time=1353549660)] <Romanoffia> BS.
[(time=1353549660)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind at 02:02Z
[(time=1353549660)] <FriarTuck> Kingborough: we've run out of things to say
[(time=1353549660)] <Romanoffia> Get with the program. TNP first.
[(time=1353549660)] <Romanoffia> That's the problem
[(time=1353549660)] <Romanoffia> Everyone is treating this as a blood-sport.
[(time=1353549660)] <Kingborough> How would I support Grosseschnauzer? Hmmm. I would have to be impartial I guess, and struggle to support him as I wound any other delegate despite our dislike of each other.
[(time=1353549720)] <Kingborough> would*
[(time=1353549720)] <Romanoffia> It's irrelevant.
[(time=1353549720)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: proceed to Chasmanthe
[(time=1353549720)] <Chasmanthe> I would do my duties as I would for any other delegate. I think I would it a lot easier to work with Grosse than some people would.
[(time=1353549720)] <Eluvatar> .in 1 minute proceed to Scandigrad
[(time=1353549720)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind at 02:03Z
[(time=1353549720)] <Chasmanthe> It might be interesting to learn what Perpetual TNP Patriot really means.
[(time=1353549780)] <Chasmanthe> I think Roman had a good point of studying the delegate
[(time=1353549780)] <Chasmanthe> Also Grosse isn't online often so I would try to make up for that
[(time=1353549780)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: proceed to Scandigrad
[(time=1353549780)] <Scandigrad> This is not a relevant question, or even close to being a relevant hypothetical. I have no comment. The bottom line is that I would support the delegate, whomever it may be.
[(time=1353549780)] <Scandigrad> No further comment.
[(time=1353549780)] <Eluvatar> RabbiCellophane: you're up
[(time=1353549780)] <RabbiCellophane> I would coup him. That way he would have more time to focus on other hobbies.
[(time=1353549780)] <Eluvatar> .in 1 minute proceed to Insaniac
[(time=1353549780)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind at 02:04Z
[(time=1353549840)] <Kingborough>
[(time=1353549840)] <RabbiCellophane> Thank you.
[(time=1353549840)] <Eluvatar> Insaniac: you're up
[(time=1353549840)] <Insaniac> Parody Answer Time : I would throw turnips at him.
[(time=1353549840)] <Eluvatar> .in 1 minute proceed to Biyah`Tomb
[(time=1353549840)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind at 02:05Z
[(time=1353549840)] <Insaniac> I'm done,
[(time=1353549840)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: proceed to Insaniac
[(time=1353549900)] <Eluvatar> Biyah`Tomb: you're up
[(time=1353549900)] <Biyah`Tomb> With suspenders. And a lot of chocolate/beer/vice-of-choice to distract him from The Purple. If that didn't work, I'd hold his dogs hostage until he behaved properly.
[(time=1353549900)] <Eluvatar> .in 1 minute proceed to Funkadelia
[(time=1353549900)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind at 02:06Z
[(time=1353549900)] <Biyah`Tomb> More seriously, I'd support him. What else could I do?
[(time=1353549900)] <Biyah`Tomb> done
[(time=1353549900)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: proceed to Biyah`Tomb
[(time=1353549900)] <Eluvatar> Funkadelia: you're up
[(time=1353549900)] <Funkadelia> I feel this question is a tad nonsensical. It is the duty of the Vice Delegate to *always* support his Delegate, no matter who he may be. I have nothing further to say.
[(time=1353549960)] <Eluvatar> Romanoffia: and it's your turn
[(time=1353549960)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: proceed to Funkadelia
[(time=1353549960)] <Romanoffia> The purpose of the Vice Delegate is to support the Delegate according to the Constitution and the Law. No more, no less. Take that as you may.
[(time=1353549960)] <Romanoffia> Done.
[(time=1353549960)] <Eluvatar> Thank you
[(time=1353550020)] <Eluvatar> It seems we didn't enjoy the free for all as much last time as the first
[(time=1353550020)] <Funkadelia> There is no point to this one either
[(time=1353550020)] <Insaniac> Yeah...
[(time=1353550020)] <RabbiCellophane> Elu, may I make an addendum to my answer? I'd like to add anat the end.
[(time=1353550020)] <Insaniac> We all share pretty much the same opinion
[(time=1353550020)] <Eluvatar> I'll proceed to the next question.
[(time=1353550020)] <Eluvatar> Question: If the delegate gives notice of absence and is then gone for a month, would you support a recall of them?
[(time=1353550020)] <Chasmanthe> Yeah
[(time=1353550020)] <Insaniac> Wait for the order Chasmanthe
[(time=1353550020)] <Funkadelia> Wait your turn
[(time=1353550020)] <Chasmanthe> oh
[(time=1353550080)] <Eluvatar> I'm trying to shake the order up
[(time=1353550080)] <Chasmanthe> We normally get the order before the question
[(time=1353550080)] <Insaniac> I can offer to go first?
[(time=1353550080)] <Kingborough> just throw it at a wall and do it by which name hits the ground first
[(time=1353550080)] <Chasmanthe> I thought we were in free for all
[(time=1353550080)] <Eluvatar> Funkadelia: you're up
[(time=1353550080)] <Eluvatar> ['Funkadelia', 'Kingborough', 'Scandigrad', 'Biyah`Tomb', 'Chasmanthe', 'RabbiCellophane', 'Insaniac', 'Romanoffia']
[(time=1353550080)] <Funkadelia> oh ok
[(time=1353550140)] <Funkadelia> I would most likely remain neutral on the situation
[(time=1353550140)] <Eluvatar> .in 30 seconds Kingborough will be up
[(time=1353550140)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind in 30 secs
[(time=1353550140)] <Funkadelia> It really depends on the specifics
[(time=1353550140)] <Funkadelia> I can't answer the question precisely, sorry.
[(time=1353550140)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Kingborough will be up
[(time=1353550200)] <Eluvatar> Kingborough: you're up
[(time=1353550200)] <Eluvatar> .in 1 minute hit up Scandigrad
[(time=1353550200)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind at 02:11Z
[(time=1353550200)] <Kingborough> That is a hard question. Such a case of disappearance would be very negligent, and against the constitution and would certain earn recall. However I don't think it is the Vice Delegate's place to propose or support such a recall
[(time=1353550200)] <Kingborough> therefore I would have to be neutral in such a situation
[(time=1353550260)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: hit up Scandigrad
[(time=1353550260)] <Scandigrad> As the Vice Delegate, I would abstain. I would enforce the will of the people, and be ready to step in, should the people choose the Delegate needs to be recalled. I would only cast a vote in a tie, and only a tie.
[(time=1353550260)] <Eluvatar> .in 1 minute wake up Biyah`Tomb
[(time=1353550260)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind at 02:12Z
[(time=1353550260)] <Scandigrad> No further comment
[(time=1353550260)] <Eluvatar> ah Biyah`Tomb you're up now
[(time=1353550260)] <Biyah`Tomb> That depends on how long the original absence was called for, and the specifics, and the current state of affairs security-wise for TNP. I will not hesitate to support something I believe is necessary, but it -is- all situational.
[(time=1353550260)] <Eluvatar> .in 1 minute buzz Chasmanthe
[(time=1353550260)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: Okay, will remind at 02:12Z
[(time=1353550260)] <Biyah`Tomb> done
[(time=1353550260)] <Eluvatar> ah Chasmanthe you're up now
[(time=1353550260)] <Chasmanthe> Yeah
[(time=1353550260)] <Chasmanthe> done
[(time=1353550320)] <Eluvatar> I see..
[(time=1353550320)] <Eluvatar> Romanoffia: you go now
[(time=1353550320)] <Romanoffia> I would proceed according to what the Constitution and Law requires. I think this 'recall' crap has largely devolved into a political weapon or is at least headed that way. Obey the Constitution and the Law. That's it. If that isn't good enough, change the Law and the Constitution. This is not a matter of opinion on the VD's part.
[(time=1353550320)] <Romanoffia> Done.
[(time=1353550320)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: wake up Biyah`Tomb
[(time=1353550320)] <FriarTuck> Eluvatar: buzz Chasmanthe
[(time=1353550320)] <Funkadelia> lol
[(time=1353550320)] <Eluvatar> RabbiCellophane: go
[(time=1353550380)] <RabbiCellophane> As VD I would support a recall only if I was certain I could win the special election to follow.
[(time=1353550380)] <RabbiCellophane> Done.
[(time=1353550380)] <Eluvatar> Insaniac: go
[(time=1353550380)] <Biyah`Tomb> LOL
[(time=1353550380)] <Insaniac> I would most definitely support a recall.
[(time=1353550380)] <Eluvatar> Do we want a free for all?
[(time=1353550380)] <Insaniac> They're missing a fourth of their term and the TNP RMB is being flooded with Nazi's
[(time=1353550440)] <Eluvatar> (Or is Insaniac not done?)
[(time=1353550440)] <Insaniac> Also, why would they even run when they know they would miss a fourth of their term?
[(time=1353550440)] <Insaniac> Done now,