[Complete]AT VOTE: Liberate Nazi Europe[Archived]


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
This proposal has reached the queue.

Vote: Aye, Nay or Abstain
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A resolution to strike down Delegate-imposed barriers to free entry in a region

Category: Liberation

Nominee (region): NAZI EUROPE

Proposed by: The Dourian Embassy

Description: The Security Council,

Believing that NAZI EUROPE should become open to invasion

Hereby liberates NAZI EUROPE.

Co-Authored by Tim-Opolis.
Fellow members of the North Pacific,

The intent of Liberation resolutions is to open up the region to free the region from a dictatorial government (typically an invader one), when the password has been in place without the natives' consent. This comes from its time and purpose of implementation, the situation in Belgium.

This resolution, however, is different. It opens up the region for invaders, and makes no motion to hide it. Therefore, some things have to be considered by voters:

1. Should Nazi Europe be opened up for invasion against its will?

And, additionally, what precedent this has on future liberation resolution.

The MoWA worries about a situation where a future region, in need of actual help, won't receive the needed liberation resolution because people will point out this one, as why liberations are weak and ineffective. The MoWA sees no benefit from this, and sees future problems.

Additionally: The MoWA believes that all regions deserve self determination, and the right to control their destiny. A good test the MoWA likes to use is to replace the target region with The North Pacific. If the North Pacific could password, and for security reasons did, all voters should ask themselves:

Would you be okay with the password being forcefully removed by your enemies?

If so, a vote for may be logical.
if not, a vote against may be logical.

The MoWA himself encourages nations to vote against, and casts his own vote Against.
Nazi Europe is an enemy of TNP.

If you're ok with Nazis spamming TNP, vote against this proposal.
If you despise Nazis spamming TNP with their hate filled messages, vote for this motion.
For. I have not voted elsewhere.

Again I find myself agreeing with BW, they are known enemies of the region. This should be a no-brainer.
I am disappointed that TNP would approve of such a senseless proposal. Seriously, I totally am for NE being invaded, but not with an awful proposal like this. This is a total joke.
I agree with the incredibly handsome Blue Wolf II, may he be forever wise.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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