The Bigfoot Surströmming Act


Garde à l'eau!
Since the RA has not been terribly active recently, I feel we need to pass a law!

The Bigfoot Surströmming Act

The harassing of Bigfoot, Sasquatch or other undiscovered subspecies is a crime punishable by being force fed three tons of Surströmming. If Surströmming is unavailable, Lutfisk bathed in Limburger Cheese will be substituted, followed by a good slapping around by a rather large trout.

This law must be passed as it makes as much sense as many of the other laws we have passed. And, besides, it is funny. Or not.
I forsee problems with this legislation.

-Serious doubts as to the existence of Bigfoot in TNP
-Not even sure what Surströmming means or is
-Inflicting cheese on people is a breach of the Bill of Rights

On these grounds I move that we do not make this a law.
This isn't as silly as it sounds.

Skamania County, Washington State has passed laws to make it homicide to kill a bigfoot and Whatcom County, Washington State has passed laws making it a "Sasquatch Protection and Refuge Area."
Additionally a member of the Canadian Parliament agreed to introduce a petition to Parliament to give Sasquatch endanger species protection. Additionally "Champ" - a lake monster that supposedly inhabits Lake Chaplain is protected under New York State and Vermont State law.
New Kervoskia:
We should ask for the court's opinion on preventing sasquatch harassment before we proceed further.
Well, given the fact that a Sasquatch has never been seen in The North Pacific is prima facia evidence that Sasquatches are an endangered species and that they should be protected, even if they cannot be proven to exist (since lack of evidence is not proof of non-existence).


I think we need an Sasquatch Interpretations Act first.

That would require a special RA committee which would take forever. No, this is such an urgent matter it must be brought before a vote ASAP! :P
Honorable Romanoffia,

Do you find the wording of this proposal acceptable before the motion to vote is seconded?

Lord Byron
Supreme Leader
God n Country n Byron
I move that we table this motion pending a court hearing, the committee investigation and the return of the Delegate and Great bights!
This should be coming up for vote soon, right?
I honestly cannot find a procedure related to tabling a proposal.
It seems that this has already been seconded, and thus should be brought to the RA for vote.
If I am incorrect, I appologize.
Great Bights Mum:
Yes! And we must establish the Big Foot Unit Police, or Big F-UP for short, to actively ensure this law is enforced.

Now that is an excellent idea. But will it require an amendment (so soon?), or a new act? Perhaps an Executive Order? Or maybe a Constitutional amendment?
I would question whether the proposed law is in the correct format, and thus capable of being incorporated into the Legal Code. The Code clearly states 'Every operative sentence must be a numbered clause, numbered within a Chapter'; as the BSA does not comply with this it could be argued that it is an illegal document.
I personally think we should hold a special election to decide on who should be on the Sasquatch committee. However the Delegate and VIce Delegate should agree on who should serve as the chairman, upon consulting the chief justice and at least one of the two associate justices and the speaker. If the Delegate and Vice Delegate can't agree a special election should be held on who should decide who should be chairman. If the election is tied, the chief justice must record a video of himself flipping a coin and put it on youtube.
I would question whether the proposed law is in the correct format, and thus capable of being incorporated into the Legal Code. The Code clearly states 'Every operative sentence must be a numbered clause, numbered within a Chapter'; as the BSA does not comply with this it could be argued that it is an illegal document.
That would be a matter best decided by the STFU.
Great Bights Mum:
I would question whether the proposed law is in the correct format, and thus capable of being incorporated into the Legal Code. The Code clearly states 'Every operative sentence must be a numbered clause, numbered within a Chapter'; as the BSA does not comply with this it could be argued that it is an illegal document.
That would be a matter best decided by the STFU.
:w00t: :rofl:
In solidarity to this important legislation, my little play things most loved citizens have convinced me to change our official national animal to the Sasquatch.
Most unfortunatly, it has quickly become the favorite main course even though it is such an elusive animal, which is probably the type of thing that this act was supposed to protect against in the first place. :headbang:
Great Bights Mum:
I would question whether the proposed law is in the correct format, and thus capable of being incorporated into the Legal Code. The Code clearly states 'Every operative sentence must be a numbered clause, numbered within a Chapter'; as the BSA does not comply with this it could be argued that it is an illegal document.
That would be a matter best decided by the STFU.
And so the winds of insanity have finally blown through the minds of so many TNPers.

eh - a light hearted stance now and then isn't evil. Several US states have laws protecting big-foot, it's all tongue in cheek.

Asta has shown me the error of my ways, I humbly apologize. This law will bring about the downfall of TNP. It is known!

In reply, all citizens in Biyah will be buying bombshelters and stocking for the apocalypse, in response to this law's possible passage. Generators and batteries can't be found in any store, and survival foods are scarce. All is doom and gloom, and I -strongly- suggest we imprison the fool who put forth the law, for he is an evil anarchist who wants nothing but to destroy our beloved region with laws guaranteed to bring chaos and suffering!

I demand to know Grosseschnauzer's shoe size, just to establish whether he is a bigfoot, and therefore covered by this law.
Asta has shown me the error of my ways, I humbly apologize. This law will bring about the downfall of TNP. It is known!

In reply, all citizens in Biyah will be buying bombshelters and stocking for the apocalypse, in response to this law's possible passage. Generators and batteries can't be found in any store, and survival foods are scarce. All is doom and gloom, and I -strongly- suggest we imprison the fool who put forth the law, for he is an evil anarchist who wants nothing but to destroy our beloved region with laws guaranteed to bring chaos and suffering!

But, but, we MUST save the Bigfoots! Or would that be Bigfeets? Whatever, it's the same.

Anarchy and doom would be inevitable if the Bigfoot was harassed to extinction! We would probably loose half the the region because we have no idea how many Susquatches are still hiding in the shadows!