"What do you think your Clucking Majesty? Those duckling disposing scum over in Mcmasterdonia deserve a good beating!" Prime Minister Leghorn inquired of the queen, as they sat pecking at some fresh sunflower seeds in the royal dining coop.
The queen mumbled to herself for a moment, before deciding upon an action. "Sure, lets beat them up. Those ducklings never did anything wrong to them, beyond kill their royal family, which is perfectly excusable as ducklings are just soooooo cute they can't do wrong." She would have smirked, except she was a chicken so she just clucked and looked happy - somehow, we aren't sure how she managed that either as she was still a chicken.
The queen mumbled to herself for a moment, before deciding upon an action. "Sure, lets beat them up. Those ducklings never did anything wrong to them, beyond kill their royal family, which is perfectly excusable as ducklings are just soooooo cute they can't do wrong." She would have smirked, except she was a chicken so she just clucked and looked happy - somehow, we aren't sure how she managed that either as she was still a chicken.
To: The Imperatoris Tyrannis of McMasterdonia
From: The United Chook Kingdom of Kingborough II
Dear Most Horrid Duckling Killing and Maiming and Torturing and Other Horrid Infliction Inflicting Ruler of McMasterdonia,
The United Chook Kingdom of Kingborough II has decided, as dictated by the Parliament of the Feathers and Her Royal Clucking Majesty the Chook Queen of All, that the unjust overthrow of the Crazy Duckling Oligarchy is an action that warrants a declaration of war, in order to restore the feathered rule of Mcmasterdonia by our duckling brethren.
We hope you will now surrender, or else the United Chook Kingdom will be forced to take action to install a Duckling government within Mcmasterdonia once more.
Thanks and Salutations,
Chook Queen of All Henny Penny the Seventh.