[Complete]At Vote: Repeal Commend Quote of the Day[Archived]



Description: The Security Council,

RECOGNIZING that The Quote of the Day (TQOTD) failed to deliver the "quotes of wisdom" in the days leading to the fall of the nation,

POINTING OUT that many nations travel to regions to leave congratulations and greetings, and that TQOTD was not unique in these activities,

COGNIZANT that as a member of The Featured Region Followers, TQOTD now holds, in essence, two commendations for the same activities,

ACKNOWLEDGING that TQOTD wrote very minimalistic greetings, and that many messages left by TQOTD contained the same, copied content with a minor salutation,

CONCERNED by the refusal of TQOTD to visit featured regions the nation did not personally agree with ideologically, contrary to what is stated in the Commendation in question,

NOTING that The Quote of the Day does not perform any unique or special world-changing activities, nor do the actions of The Quote of the Day affect the world or the World Assembly at large, in antithesis to the commonly-held belief of this council,

FURTHER NOTING that TQOTD no longer exists as a nation, and wishing to remove a Commendation from a nation that no longer exists,

ENDEAVORING to strike down the redundancies presented in the SC#45 as well as blatant factual inaccuracies in the original proposal in favor of SC#93,

HEREBY REPEALS Commend The Quote of the Day.

The delegate will accept votes of Aye, Nay, Present, or Abstain. Keep in mind that an "abstain" vote means that you want the delegate to abstain, not that you personally want to abstain. If you personally want to abstain, but not affect the delegate vote, you should vote present.

I've not voted on this resolution in any other region yet. If I do I will edit this post.

Do we have a discussion thread for this resolution?
The Minister of the World Assembly wishes to bring the following to note:

The nation of the Quote of the Day was commended for his practice of going to the featured region of the day and posting a congratulations on their RMB, including a quote (hence the name).

This resolution argues that Quote of the Day's activity was not unique: It is true that he was not the only one to congratulate a featured region, but the posting of a quote was something that tended to be his domain.

The resolution argues that many of the posts were of minimal content and creativity, which is a matter subject to interpretation.

It also says that Quote of the Day did not visit regions that held offending beliefs. While this is contrary to the commendation, we do have to wonder whether we could really blame him. Few would surely want to condemn somebody for not congratulating The Greater German Reich.

The second to last point I'll bring up is the argument that The commendation is less worthy because the nation has ceased to exist. The Minister of the World Assembly sees this as perhaps the only argument he outright rejects. There are many reasons why a nation could cease to exist, for example a greater Real Life crisis, and that does not negate any positive actions. It is sad that Skyrim Diplomacy doesn't recognize this. The Minister of the WA imagines that in a year or so, he will.

Finally, the point is brought up that because the organization Quote of the Day was part of, The Featured Region Followers, was commended for this congratulations, that Quote of the Day has in effect two commendations for the same behavior. On the one hand you could argue this true, on the other hand Quote of the Day did different things, and Commend The Featured Region Followers was passed much later, so it could be said that it is not true.

As the Minister, I feel these points raised to not merit the repeal of the commendation of Quote of the Day, and as such I would vote against.
Against. I agree with the Minister's statement and made a similar statement as Minister when a similar repeal of "Commend Quote of the Day" was proposed during my first term.

I refuse to disclosure if I have voted elsewhere as I believe this disclosure contributes to a significant stigmatization of legitimate members and fuels an unhealthy environment of chauvinism. If the government wants to assure us that this disclosure is not meant for these purposes, they could require the disclosure to be made privately until then I will continue to fight for the Right to Equality and Privacy in the Halls of the North Pacific and cede my vote in the WA as a protest vote -- when laws are unjust, it is the duty of citizens to civilly disobey them.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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