Wolf's Applicartion to the SC

Blue Wolf II

A Wolf Most Blue
TNP Nation
Article 5. The Security Council

1. Any person who is a member of the Regional Assembly and meets any endorsement and influence requirements determined by law may apply to become a member of the Security Council.
2. The Regional Assembly may exempt a person from Regional Assembly membership or any requirements by a two-thirds majority vote, and may terminate an exemption by a two-thirds majority vote.
3. The Security Council may approve applicants by a majority vote. The Regional Assembly may admit an approved applicant by a majority vote. If the Security Council does not approve an applicant or does not act on them within thirty days, the Regional Assembly may admit the applicant by a two-thirds majority vote.
4. The Security Council will monitor the region's security and report on it to the public, and enforce decisions of the Regional Assembly to remove the Delegate.
5. The Regional Assembly may establish a line of succession beyond the Vice Delegate among the members of the Security Council by a majority vote. If a new member is admitted to the Security Council, they will be added at the end of the current line of succession. If a member is removed from the Security Council, they will be removed from the line of succession.

I, Blue Wolf II, with currently 248 endorsements and an influence of Vassal, hereby apply to the Security Council by means of Regional Assembly vote.

Although I am not required to, and I will be the first applicant to pursue this method, I prefer to have my application decided by the Regional Assembly rather than the Security Council itself. I feel that by using this means instead of the traditional application, I am opening up the system to a more democratic process.

As you can see, the laws only define the Regional Assembly's right to vote on the application, not how the process will be run. I leave it to the Speaker to determine how to proceed on this, however I am more than willing to have a discussion period before to vote is opened.

In the mean time, I defer to the Speaker and await any questions.
Just..general question of legality here:

3. The Security Council may approve applicants by a majority vote. The Regional Assembly may admit an approved applicant by a majority vote.

Have you been approved by the SC or..are you going by:

If the Security Council does not approve an applicant or does not act on them within thirty days, the Regional Assembly may admit the applicant by a two-thirds majority vote.

Your bolding in your post has confused me just a wee bit.
BW, you need to apply to the SC first. If the SC approves the app, then the RA has a confirmation vote. If the SC denies the app, then you can come to the RA for an override vote.

Go ahead and apply. Don't be scared. I'll vote for you.
I agree that Blue Wolf needs to apply with the Security Council first, so I'm against this proposal at the present time as it would violate Article 5.3 of the Constitution.
Cormac Stark:
I agree that Blue Wolf needs to apply with the Security Council first, so I'm against this proposal at the present time as it would violate Article 5.3 of the Constitution.
Great Bights Mum:
BW, you need to apply to the SC first. If the SC approves the app, then the RA has a confirmation vote. If the SC denies the app, then you can come to the RA for an override vote.

2. The Regional Assembly may exempt a person from Regional Assembly membership or any requirements by a two-thirds majority vote, and may terminate an exemption by a two-thirds majority vote.

It seems the law states otherwise. :P
Blue Wolf II:
Great Bights Mum:
BW, you need to apply to the SC first. If the SC approves the app, then the RA has a confirmation vote. If the SC denies the app, then you can come to the RA for an override vote.

2. The Regional Assembly may exempt a person from Regional Assembly membership or any requirements by a two-thirds majority vote, and may terminate an exemption by a two-thirds majority vote.

It seems the law states otherwise. :P
the (2) bit applies specifically to a case where there is a requirement (such as an RA-membership requirement) that the applicant does not meet. Approval by the SC is not such a requirement. If you are reading approval by the SC as such a requirement I think most people would agree that is a misreading of the law.

There is sufficient consideration for dealing with non-approval by the SC. Non-approved applicants will be admitted by 2/3 majority of the RA. Approved applicants will be admitted by simple majority of the RA. In both cases you go to the SC first.
Mr. Wolf knows perfectly well that the S.C. gets a first crack at all applicants. Even an exemption from a requirement has to go through the S.C. first. And if the S.C. fails to act within the 30 days can he seek relief.

Mr. Wolf has a lot to be held accountable for in terms of his past conduct. This is not going to be a picnic for Mr. Wolf. He is the Robert Bork of TNP, and shall meet the same fate.

I move to table this motion in as much as Mr. Wolf's motion to the R.A. is premature. (I will note that as of the time of my post, Mr. Wolf has not made an application for membership in the Security Council area in the designated thread, thus a motion to table, as in postpone consideration, is entirely proper.
If I was afraid of my actions being aired out, once again, for everyone to see, then why would I request a discussion and vote by the RA? RA discussions are basically public where as SC talks are completely hidden from everyone but members of the Security Council.

I have nothing to hide, Doggie, I just didn't want to waste 30 days when I could go directly to the RA. But have it your way.

Oh, and I request this threat remain open while my SC application is in "review". I can almost assure everyone we'll be using this thread or another like it in 30 days anyway.
This is not going to be a picnic for Mr. Wolf. He is the Robert Bork of TNP, and shall meet the same fate.
Being a Brit, I have no idea who Robert Bork is, so I had to look it up. I note from Wiki that "bork" is now a verb, meaning

oxford english dictionary:
"To defame or vilify (a person) systematically, esp. in the mass media, usually with the aim of preventing his or her appointment to public office; to obstruct or thwart (a person) in this way."

Can I assume, therefore, that BW will be defamed or vilified in the media to prevent his appointment to office ......

.....yet again?
What I don't like is the "and shall meet the same fate" bit. Pretty confident to assume all the SC votes are in the bag on this one, aren't we? Who knows, I may stand alone, but there are some excellent reasons to support BW's desire to become a member of the SC.
I don't think it's appropriate for a member of the Security Council to be threatening qualified applicants in the Regional Assembly based on personal animosity. This is a legislative chamber, not a boxing ring.
As I do not have the power to interpret legislation I am forced to place this before the Court for a request for a ruling on if they believe this is legal. The case can be found here.
As I do not have the power to interpret legislation I am forced to place this before the Court for a request for a ruling on if they believe this is legal. The case can be found here.
Actually, I think your office DOES give you power to interpret legislation, in the specific area of RA matters. That is what being Speaker is all about. If you have to run to court every time an issue is not absolutely clear cut, this region is TRULY paralysed.
As I do not have the power to interpret legislation I am forced to place this before the Court for a request for a ruling on if they believe this is legal. The case can be found here.
Actually, I think your office DOES give you power to interpret legislation, in the specific area of RA matters. That is what being Speaker is all about. If you have to run to court every time an issue is not absolutely clear cut, this region is TRULY paralysed.
I do not have the power to interpret the constitution. The only thing that gives me any powers to make any rules or use my discretion in interpreting things is here;

6. The Speaker will administer the rules of the Regional Assembly. Where no rules exist, the Speaker may use their discretion.
As I do not have the power to interpret legislation I am forced to place this before the Court for a request for a ruling on if they believe this is legal. The case can be found here.
Actually, I think your office DOES give you power to interpret legislation, in the specific area of RA matters. That is what being Speaker is all about. If you have to run to court every time an issue is not absolutely clear cut, this region is TRULY paralysed.
I hate to break it to you but this was coming to the Court regardless of what King did. It would have been challenged either way. It is best he just get it over to us and save some time.
Yep. In the issue of an application to join the sc coming to the assembly before the security council has considered it, no rule exists. So you use your discretion.

Where a rule exists, you interpretit and administer it.
Where no rule exists you use common sense.
As I do not have the power to interpret legislation I am forced to place this before the Court for a request for a ruling on if they believe this is legal. The case can be found here.
Actually, I think your office DOES give you power to interpret legislation, in the specific area of RA matters. That is what being Speaker is all about. If you have to run to court every time an issue is not absolutely clear cut, this region is TRULY paralysed.
I hate to break it to you but this was coming to the Court regardless of what King did. It would have been challenged either way. It is best he just get it over to us and save some time.
I undertand the propensity for some in the region to run crying to the court every time they do not get their way, :cry: , but since Blue Wolf has now opened an application to the Security Council itself and has asked that this be put on hold until his application is inevitably rejected, I see no reason for court involvement at this stage: normal procedure is being followed.
I would like to have a court ruling for future reference anyway, this is bound to pop up again due to the maddeningly sketchy wording of the constitution so it is best we get this out of the way now.

6. The Speaker will administer the rules of the Regional Assembly/ Where no rules exist, the Speaker may use their discretion.

The constitution is clearly not a "rule of the regional assembly".
Mr. Speaker,
Since BWII has received SC approval,
Do we need to motion for a vote on admittance?
If so, I motion for a vote.
The vote for the SC has not closed yet, and not everyone on the SC has voted yet. Bringing this to the RA at this point is a bit early and preemptive (and not in accordance with the law).
The vote for the SC has not closed yet, and not everyone on the SC has voted yet. Bringing this to the RA at this point is a bit early and preemptive (and not in accordance with the law).
^As Romanoffia has said. Poll has not closed yet.

We'll get results out soon. But the last result was pre-emptive and a blame on my part. I should have probably asked around more about how the SC votes worked.
As Acting Chair of the Security Council, I am pleased to announce that Blue Wolf's application has been approved by the SC. I would ask the Speaker to move the question to a vote in the RA.
Great Bights Mum:
As Acting Chair of the Security Council, I am pleased to announce that Blue Wolf's application has been approved by the SC. I would ask the Speaker to move the question to a vote in the RA.
What was the vote result?