Fiqh Court Hearing: McMasterdonia vs the Regional Assembly


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
Lord Flemingovia,

I would like to seek your thoughts and ruling on the World Assembly voting policy. In your view is this discriminatory to citizens who do not have a WA in tnp and are not members of the NPA? Is it discriminatory that we do not wish to allow people to vote on WA Affairs in their WA region (or more regions) as well as TNP?

I humbly request your divine ruling on this matter.
The hearts of many mortals are venal and corrupt. They lack enlightenment and complain endlessly about their "Rights" and "respect". They view everything as a baby views a bauble; from voting rights on World Assembly Resolutions to the position of Deputy Speaker, they see it as theirs by right, should they desire it.

But they are not to blame for this immaturity. Rather, this attitude has been fostered in them by the so-called "bill of rights", which causes them to expect rights without responsibility, and gives them a spirit of entitlement rather than obligation and submission to God.

So here is the judgement of Flemingovia: Everyone should return to their homeland to vote. If their homeland is TNP, let them show it as an act of devotion and love by having their WA nation in the region. If their homeland is in another region, let them not expect to influence the WA votes of the delegate here.

But let everyone foster in their heart a spirit of devotion to Flemingovianism, so that their motives are pure and their hearts are clean. And let nobody say any more "I demand my rights" or "I demand respect", for in this they just show their lack of faith and grace.