The Communist Party of The North Pacific


TNP Nation

The Communist Party of The North Pacific


The Communist Party of The North Pacific is dedicated to a peaceful, democratic revolution in The North Pacific. The existing, bourgeois oligarchy will be overthrown by an awakened proletariat, and following a brief period Dictatorship of the People, the Party will oversee the transition to a true Anarcho-Communist Peoples Commune.

The first stage of this shall constitute the Cultural Revolution. Whilst leaving the existing laws and constitution in place we shall reshape the traditions and culture of the region in line with Marxist-Leninist theory. The most noticeable aspects of the old order shall be removed or renamed, allowing them to pass from memory. The Regional Assembly shall become the Congress of Peoples Deputies. The Security Council shall become The Committee for State Security. The Cabinet the Politburo. The Delegate the General Secretary. The Court shall be renamed The Peoples Tribunal, and the Justices Peoples Tribunes.

Via such steps, the Party will make the material elements of the Communist State so prevalent a part of regional normalcy, that the following Political, Military and Industrial revolutions embarked upon will seem in keeping with the established status-quo, rather than the radical and irrevocable steps they truly are.​
Of course not Comrade.

I presume this Communist Party will still support the Empress, Comrade? Might I suggest making Windy enemy #1 of this fine party Comrade?
Of course not Comrade.

I presume this Communist Party will still support the Empress, Comrade? Might I suggest making Windy enemy #1 of this fine party Comrade?
Monarchy has no place in the new order. The Winter Palace will be stormed and the Czarina dragged before the Peoples Tribunes to face justice.

Does that answer your question, Comrade?
Such brutality! I can here the fire in your words comrade, but alas the winter palace shall douse any fire that is sent against it. The Czarina shall live on as our supreme ruler, and you shall die, Comrade.
If you say so Comrade. I await the day when the Royalist Alliance paint the streets of the motherland with the blood of you and your traitor friends. Hail the Empress!
Bah! The Red Army shall overwhelm the paltry forces of the Royalist alliance, who are no more but mercenaries in the pay of foreign powers seeking to maintain their puppet Czarina, and see our Motherland subjugated to their will. Never forget, Comrades, that our so called Czarina is no more than a tool of Equilism, supported by the Tajitun dogs! All true patriots will rally round, and join their efforts to our own as we strive to drive them out of the Motherland!
The Red army and the so called KGB do not exist in the form that you say. As they exist now, they remain loyal and dedicated to the Czarina the one true ruler and Empress of the realm. The Czarina is no tool or puppet of anyone, she acts in all things with the love and trust of her people pressing on her conscience. The communist revolution you crave comrade, will not come, and the lies you tell, shall be the lies that end your life.
The People shall no longer converse with traitors such as yourself. Every word you speak is treason, and every word you write a lie. There shall be no place for the likes of you in the new society the proletariat shall build.
You speak as though you already represent the people, Comrade? So young, so foolish. The Empire is not ruled by the proletariat. The Empress herself is of common birth and rose to her position due to the faith and love of her people, and the divine blessing by the our lord flemingovia. The new society you seek, is little more than a dictatorship ruled by a communist oligarchy, it will have no other agenda but protecting itself and will not care about the people of this realm.
The Party is the vanguard of the People, you fascist dog. We speak with the collective voice of the Proletariat, and embody its will. The Czarina was imposed on the people by a bourgeois clique, backed by the hidden hand of a Cabal from Equilism and Taijitu, and is loved by none but those who profit from her tyranny. The new society shall have no place for such persons, and will be a true expression of the will of the body politic.