Osiris Report

Reports for Internal analysis on Osiris, this thread will be updated from time to time


In 10 Words: We're here for the future and we're here for Osiris.
Government Type: Democracy
Alignment: Active Neutral
Nation Population: 2749
WA Population: 147
Delegate Endorsements: 117
Atmosphere: Artistic and family-oriented

Admins and Mods

Member Name[c]Location[c]
Todd McCloud[c][c]
Lyanna Stark[c][c]
Zaolat[c]California, USA[c]
Oberyn Martell[c]Dorne[c]
Tyrion Lannister[c]

Member Name[c]Location[c]
New Kevoskia[c]

Member Name[c]Forums[c]Location[c]
Zaolat[c] A Game Of Thrones , House Martell [c]California, USA[c]
Henry von Hoffman[c] The Henry Times [c][c]
Diamete[c] The Delta [c]here[c]
Lyanna Stark[c] House Stark [c][c]
The Direwolves[c] Discussions , The Temple of Set (Spam) , The Temple of Hathor (Culture) , Chess Tournament [c][c]
Quadrimmina[c] Discussions , The Temple of Set (Spam) , The Temple of Hathor (Culture) , Chess Tournament , Septarchy , Septarchy Chambers [c][c]
Vladisvok Destino[c] The Quick Guide , The Temple of Bes [c][c]
Tyrion Lannister[c] A Game of Thrones , House Lannister , A Game of Thrones OOC [c][c]
Vhagar Targaryen[c] House Targaryen [c]


Pharaoh: Lyanna Stark
Kai Repat: Biyah
Great Kenbet: Zaolat, The Direwolves, Hileville
Viziers: Quadriminia, Todd McCloud, Biyah, The Direwolves, Tim Stark, mcmasterdonia, Diamete
Council of Ma'at: Goobergunchia, Michael, New Kervoskia
Yes, I stand corrected, Goobergunchia is on the council of Ma'at. Apologies for the inaccuracy there. What about Oliver, is he on the Council of Ma'at?
Quadriminia, Todd McCloud, Biyah and myself should all be listed as Viziers also