I think taking 1 hour to review this would have been appreciated if you spent 7 here.Grosseschnauzer:When I get caught up on Admin stuff and have the time to look at it without RL interruptions and online urgencies. And there was urgency as to some of it which isn't public yet.
(I spent 7 solid hours on Admin stuff yesterday, not including the overnight matter of the political party area.)
You know, just because you call someone a name doesn't make it true.Grosseschnauzer:punk d you do not know what else is going on (which is a lot, and a lot of which is admin level only matters) and you are not entitled to make such conclusions.
The seven hours were all things that other admin could have done, but hadn't, so I was having to do it myself. Today I will be online and offline doing the other things I deal with in RL the entire day that has nothing to do with NS. And I'm not about to keep a running diary of my schedule in RL, simply because you are trying to be an ass.
Yes, strictly speaking. However, the general thing to do is post it in the Complaints thread.Blue Wolf II:Strictly speaking, there is no "correct area".
The Attorney General's job as a chief prosecutor is to determine what complaints could be tried on criminal charges and result in a conviction. It is also the Attorney General's duty to do justice, and if the Attorney General finds under his authority that the probablity of a conviction is low for legal or evidentiary reasons, then justice deminds that no indictment be filed.Blue Wolf II:I do love how the AG can now rule as if he were a Justice. I must have missed the vote where we changed that.