Forum charges against Unibot for violating TOS.



The above thread, is where he violated the forum TOS and TOU.

Both prohibit content containing defamation and libel on the forums.

In that thread, what he said was clearly an attack on my personal character, designed conveniently to cost me votes in the C05 election, and to harm my reputation by spreading malicious and false allegations that are not true.

He had known I have been in this forum for a long time, and have ran for positions in the past where no one brought up issues with me like he did. So when it seemed close that I was going to beat him for a seat on the Council of Five, he posted it.

This was clearly designed to hurt my character and get people to believe his side.

This post also contained libel for the following reasons:

1. He claims I was banned from Equilism. I have had an account in good standing on that region's forum for four years. I also have a nation in Equilism for a while, and although I do not have citizenship, I still have not been banned from either.

2. He claims I have sexually harassed people. I have never done such a thing either IRL or NS. I conduct myself as a gentleman as best as I can and as best as my late mother raised me.

3. He claims people in NS have placed RL restraining orders on me. That is simply not true. I do not have a criminal record. I have had a security clearance that I had maintained for nearly three years, and I'm quite certain any criminal issue would raise red flags when it was given when I served my country as a defence contractor. To have a restraining order would require a judge's signature, and would require me to have a PHYSICAL COPY OF SAID DOCUMENTATION. The only court related documentation I have received are regarding two things:

A. My citizenship certificate when I was naturalised at the age of 12 or 13 years old.
B. Traffic court notices.

Neither of the above two relate to restraining orders, now, do they?

I believe Unibot, instead of learning to be respectful and civil to everyone as the forum rules require, decided to be malicious and harmful, all simply because he did not want to see me in a position of his or higher level of authority in the region.

I therefore ask the Forum Administration and Moderation Team to investigate my request, and to please, if it's determine, to punish Unibot accordingly for his inappropriate actions.
In that thread, what he said was clearly an attack on my personal character, designed conveniently to cost me votes in the C05 election, and to harm my reputation by spreading malicious and false allegations that are not true.

No, don't paint this as anything else than what it is.. I already explained: An anonymous female player told me she wouldn't join the North Pacific while you were here and after a bit, I said I'd post a thread asking for the region to consider sexual harassment charges.

Furthermore, you are banned from citizenship in Equilism, Gov. Don't hide this fact.

In keeping with the decision of the former head of state of Equilism dating from 2008, you are not eligible for citizenship in this region.

You are welcome to remain here as a visitor, but as the current head of state, I am not inclined to overturn the decisions of my predecessors. Please contact me by PM if you have any additional wish to discuss this.


I know of two ladies who I know directly that felt very uncomfortable around Gov, one who he harassed when she was much younger (13-14).

I know, Alliance of Queens removed him from their region, saying this:
Regional Bug Exterminated

Gunter Boerner, also known as Ramaba, Govind, Govindia, Nivogal, and other names has been officially banished from the Alliance for “stalking and other forms of anti-social behavior in violation of the InvisionFree terms of Service”. This banishment has been a long time coming, and it is widely believed that the Alliance’s healing process will begin.


I heard something similar occurred in the South Pacific with him, in addition to Imperial Britain.
1. You are not banned in Equilism, you are merely restricted. Nonetheless you are banned in Nasicournia. I am fairly sure Unibot meant to say Nasicournia there. His statement is not significantly weakened if one changes Equilism to Nasicournia in it. I don't think that was an intentional falsehood, I think it was a mistake.

2. There are so many witnesses otherwise that I'm surprised you can say that with a straight face.

3. Unibot is far from the first to make that claim, and I have seen persons claim that they have personal knowledge of such orders, or indeed have a copy. I won't go so far as to say I know with certainty that it is true, but there are reasonable grounds to believe it may be true and therefore saying so cannot be an intentional falsehood.

Also, your argument about the vote is flawed. Below is the table of votes over time, grouped by hour:


I see no effect from Unibot's post at (time=1342372500). It simply can't have done it. I've told you this before.
I feel it is productive to post this as well:

Caer Rialis former Delegate of The South Pacific:
The biggest problem was in his personal dealings with others. We learned very quickly that he was stalking one of the members of the region. We investigated the situation and suspended him for a month. On his return, he was to have no further contact with this member whatsoever. He never, in all our investigations of this first incident, admitted to stalking her, or that his attentions weren’t wanted. Instead, like an abuser, he put the blame on that member. She began participating less and less in our forums, btw.

He returned and appeared to be towing the straight and narrow. However, that was a sham. He returned to stalking the member and fell in with a group of dissidents in the region in December 2005/January 2006. After we learned of his renewed stalking, Fudgie and I had numerous conversations with him. Fudgie was extremely pissed at the man and I learned, from conversations with him, that he was stalking women rt, and, again, never saw that his attentions weren’t wanted. In the end, we had to ban him; he claimed, of course, that it was part of being a member of the opposition, but it was nothing of the sort.

(This was a piece of evidence used in the 2007 Taijitu trial, Taijitu v. Govindia.)
Goodness Gracious Gov! Why on earth would you gravedig that thread? It was locked away and forgotten about more than a month ago. Forum Admin shut it down within 12 hours, and Uni's suggestions were soundly poo-pooed. If you wanted us to take another look at it, what is wrong with a PM? This is just inviting all sorts of hullabaloo. Do not put a big red target on your back and expect not to get shot at.

There will be no further Admin action on this, as far as I am concerned, as admins have already taken the actions they felt appropriate.

You may feel this hightlights what a martyr you are. It does not. It only invites further attention, a satisfaction I will not give you.

Thread closed.