Brainstorming A North Pacific Confederation


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
This is not ready for presenting anywhere, but I've been pondering in the back of my head for a while that we might want to develop some kind of multiregional group centered in TNP. Basically, something like the NS Republic Alliance except done competently :P

We could contact regions descended from TNP's community and regions, and we could contact smaller regions we have embassies with.

What would this Confederation involve? Some subset of the below, and perhaps some other things:

1. Defense -- an attack on one is an attack on all.
2. WA -- MoWA information is provided to all members, possibly some kind of WA proposal approval block?
3. Some kind of Council of the Confederation elected by all the regions, with a set quota -> proportional representation? (i.e. 20 votes / seat?) Not sure what it would have authority over besides admission of new members and possibly some input on (2) and/or oversight of (4) and (5) as well as possibly making sure that no member region enters into any treaty that could tear the thing apart NB: I expect that TNP would largely dominate this Council @_@
4. Potentially we'd offer members my assistance with their recruitment infrastructure, perhaps with the caveat that they agree not to recruit from TNP / their TNP recruitment TGs have to include something helpful to TNP / something
5. Possibly some degree of shared legal system of some form. Possibilities include:
a) a confederate court judging crimes against the confederacy, with power to impose penalties throughout the member regions (i.e. for invading a member, or for confederate election fraud)
b) a court of appeals
c) an alternate court for internal cases where a region doesn't want to bother with its own judiciary


I welcome Speaker Gulliver's input on this conversation by the by.

With your permission I'd like to CC this to Mahaj.
Not a bad idea to investigate. It would make for a more secure and stable situation, at least for the participants in such an alliance.

This type of alliance was brought up a number of times in the past but always got side-lined. I think it might be worth looking at considering that it enables a more efficient concentration of forces in the event of invasions, etc.,,,
I'm not sure on this.

TO point out the worse case scenario criticism ;) : could be overly bureaucratic, too much red tape, impinge on our sovereign rights too much, the smaller regions have much more to gain than we do security wise. If we have an equal number of representatives from each region, then we are under represented due to our population size.
If we go for proportional voting, then we would highly likely dominate the confederacy, and that may be undesirable to smaller regions. There have been other grand scale attempts like this before (such as the MPA, NS republic) both appear to have failed. Is it worth going doing the infrastructure work etc when most other proposals have failed due to inactivity and disinterest?
Well there's a reason I'm going to brainstorm rather than just trying to organize something on my own :P

I think it can be done properly. I think that we could figure out a sensible balance.

I think most of the regions concerned would probably be founded, so the security obligation wouldn't be too huge (and besides, we want a security obligation :P)

I think done right, the recruitment infrastructure we would offer would be what the founded regions in the system would gain, and the security guarantee would be what the founderless ones would gain (though they could make use of the other as well). We'd gain the security guarantee from a potentially quite significant group, and influence over them in some form.
Well there's a reason I'm going to brainstorm rather than just trying to organize something on my own

Oh believe me, I'm aware of that ;) Like I said just pointing out worse case scenario, as they are points that people will certainly bring up.

Legally where do we stand on this? what can we do/what can't we do? I presume such a confederation would involve significant RA involvement and debate

I imagine though, that it is within the authority of the executive to approach other regions about this before we take it to the RA? If even just in preliminary discussions? Because it would be bad if we declared ourselves the Confederacy and then nothing happens xD (like our friends in the west)
Absolutely. I'd suggest consulting the RA on the shape of the thing before approaching outside regions though, in this case. But first we should brainstorm something that makes sense to us :)
For the most part, such a confederation could be arranged as a general 'treaty' with multiple co-signators. It could possibly involve a council with a rep from each of the signing parties, sort of like a mini-WA, except for defense purposes.