- Pronouns
- he/him/his
- TNP Nation
- Zemnaya Svoboda
- Discord
- Eluvatar#8517
Re: what do endorsements do...
Zemnaya Svoboda:Endorsements are given by one nation to another within a region, and do four things:
1. They increase the rate at which the recipient accumulates Regional Influence (which makes it harder to eject or ban them, and makes it easier for them to eject or ban others if they are Delegate)
2. The nation with the most endorsements in the region is the Delegate (this is checked by the game twice a day). A Delegate can approve WA proposals (a proposal needs, currently, 68 approvals to get to a vote). A Delegate can set the World Factbook entry, can control whether the Regional Message Board shows the full pre-titles of nations or not, can eject and ban nations (that don't have too much influence), and in non game-created regions [where the founder hasn't disabled Delegate controls] can set a regional password if they have enough influence (which is needed to enter the region).
3. To propose WA resolutions a nation must have at least 2 endorsements.
4. A Delegate's vote on any WA resolution counts for their number of endorsements + 1 votes. As Delegate of The North Pacific, my vote in the WA counts for more than all the TNP nations who bother to vote on most resolutions -- this vote of mine of course is controlled by a vote on our offsite forum.
I hope that was enlightening. If any part didn't make sense, please feel free to ask for clarification
The best of wishes,