John Ashcroft Land's Memoirs

I've been meaning to complete these for ages - years even. I will be doing this in chronological order starting from my time in the People's Republic of the Pacific in 2005 and extending through the present day over the course of several installments. Many players have asked me to write these so here they are.

I burst onto the inter-regional gameplay scene as a new player in the People's Republic of the Pacific in January 2005, over seven and a half years ago. Prior to this I did some stuff with a region I founded with some RL classmates, and I was briefly in DEN as well; but none of that is of interest. The Pacific is really where my career began in earnest anyhow.

You might recall Francos Spain and the New Pacific Order. Franco took the delegacy from Thedoc in August 2003 in what would become termed the 'August Revolution'. Thedoc saw him coming, and he banned him. But Thedoc being the genius he was mistakenly took Franco off the banlist an hour or less before update. Franco moved in, endorsements intact, and the rest is history. There were purges - I've heard 900 bans but I'm not sure. Of them, Crazygirl is perhaps the most notable. Crazygirl would be banned to the Rejected Realms where she would remain even up to the present day. Regardless, the mods enacted a rule change because of Franco - they implemented the 200 nation ban limit. That limit was done away with when influence was rolled out in April 2006, but the fact that Franco forced a rule change was scene as extraordinary. There were several attempts to liberate the Pacific from Franco's government - the New Pacific Order. Some attempts were close but all failed ultimately. Franco wound up faking his own death in the summer of 2004 (I hesitate to mention this but it's been brought up publicly by others on several occasions recently). I believe his last action was to invade the North Pacific when Great Bight went inactive; his nation would cease to exist in the Rejected Realms. His successor, Unlimited, dissolved the NPO and formed the People's Republic of the Pacific (PRP).

Several months later, in the PRP's infancy, I would read about Franco's August Revolution on NSwiki (which did in fact exist back then) - and was inspired to join the Pacific. I joined the Pacific during a great time of flux - the PRP was making some headway establishing itself as the legitimate government of the Pacific during this period. Furthermore, the week I joined the PRP Ivan Moldavi was to receive control of the North Pacific's delegate, Pixiedance, and establish the North Pacific Directorate. Quite the time to begin a career in NS I know. There was much to take in. I discovered IRC by following Cathyy's instructions on the NPD forum, and at first I found her to be a cordial player. IRC then was just as it is today - several main channels with the same players in all of them. Cathyy, IP, Unlimited, Mussolandia, Karpathos, Dilber, Biyah, Neenee, flemingovia, and others were among the IRC regulars back then.

But anyway, I began in the Pacific and not the North Pacific even though the NPD intruiged me. I began in the PRP province Honorem et Libertas, where Mussolandia was Governor and Great Bights Mum was Lt governor (under an alias, Letenbaum or something like that?). My very first position in NS was Secretary of Defense of Honorem et Libertas. Mussolandia granted it to me my second day of playing; in fact the very first thing I ever did in the Pacific was to contact him asking if I could have it. The PRP divided its region into provinces you see, and Honorem et Libertas was the province containing all nations with names starting with H through L in the alphabet. As secretary of defense my job was to raise the militia by contacting all the nations H-L and asking them to sign up. A fancy title for a tedious job more or less, but I was grateful.

I was immensely active and hardworking and impressed my superiors I guess. After two months in the H-L province I was promoted to High Judge. The Pacific had a legal code that extended beyond the traditional code - it was illegal to have offensive flags, mottos, and so forth within the region. The PRP's judicial system had a variety of prosecutors who would report these violators to me and I would decide whether or not to ban the offenders. Well being the tyrant jackass I am I generally opted to ban them all. I filled up Unlimited's banlist rather quickly... anyway! I also established a Bureau of Anti-Pacifican Affairs where patriots would report suspected ADN puppets to me so I could then request that Unlimited ban them as well. Many were banned under my reign of terror by proxy. Good times were had by all. Well, just me mainly - I think I did damage to the PRP's prior mentioned public relations campaign, but oh well, I could care less.

There was one trial that proved to be the end of me. The trial of Zelera. Zelera was a longtime suspected ADN puppet who posed as a Pacific resident generally offering counterarguments to the traditional PRP line. I cannot remember why, but another PRP Governor, Sedarva, pressed charges against Zelera. As High Judge I basically admitted I'd find him guilty no matter what in #the_pacific, a public IRC channel. A stupid move for sure, but I was a newbie of just a few months experience at the time. The Senate, which was the governing body of the Pacific, got wind of this thanks to a tipoff by Neenee, and it appeared that I would be stripped of my post as High Judge. I left the region and joined the PRP's most bitter enemy Nasicournia before anything could be done to me. I would later find out Zelera was in fact an ADN puppet - he was better known as Grenval, founder of the Grenvali United (an ADN member region).

I then found myself in the thick of the Alliance Defense Network, having switched sides and establishing myself among the game's foremost traitors. The next entry will speak of my time there. For the most part I didn't begin rising through the major power structures until 2007 or so; hence the most interesting stuff is still a few entries away.
Fascinating. My Pacific nation is Liebengutt. How on earth did you know or even remember that was me? It was over 7 years ago!
OK, onto the ADN portion of the memoirs. My time in the ADN was mostly bland and uninteresting given that leadership didn't trust me, and with good reason. Hence I'll be brief. I knew of no juicy secrets back then, and what ADN-related secrets I've been told since then are not mine to tell. I was in Nasicournia and the West Pacific for most of late 2005 and early 2006. I leaked a treaty, played a Nasicournian truth or dare game, and was generally beloved by all. Yeah that's how it was.

The Lexicon War.

In early/mid 2006 I was appointed Deputy Minister of Communications by Grenval. Grenval resigned shortly after my appointment paving the way for my first entry into the North Pacific's cabinet. Shortly thereafter the Lexicon declared war on the North Pacific for reasons I can't remember. For those who are unaware the Lexicon was a region founded by Cathyy and Insane Power, both of Pixiedance/NPD fame, and with a supporting cast of people like Eluvatar etc. Much of said supporting cast would later start a new region - Taijitu - upon the realization that Cath and IP belonged in a mental hospital.

So at any rate, off to war we went. As MoC it was evidently my responsibility to communicate with the nations of the region, so I ran two or three campaigns among the UN nations of the region encouraging them to endorse the sitting delegate, Former English Colony, among other things. It was a huge hassle and a pain in the ass but it endeared me to the 'old guard' here, which helped my career greatly. My career prospects were indeed looking so good that I was considering a run for delegate. I had even set up some forums I'd use in the event I was elected - it goes without saying I had hoped to coup. Unfortunately that wouldn't come to pass - I didn't even end up running, primarily because of a hectic real life schedule and other outside priorities.

Looking back I wonder what the hell IP and Cath were thinking. I had never seen the feeders so united - TNP received declarations of support from each and every one in our efforts against the Lexicon. The two of htem suffered from a near-universal, visceral, borderline OOC dislike of the both of them. Ah well.

The ~18 months that followed were relatively slow for me. I held a few more cabinet positions here but was rarely terribly active in the game. That all changed with the Crimson Order, which in retrospect was like a reawakening for me and my career. That's next.
The Crimson Order.

Late 2007. Nationstates had bottomed out. Max and the mods seemingly abandoned the game. The feeders were down to near 2000 inhabitants each. In response to this Gatesville organized a summit to discuss ways to revitalize gameplay. I was invited by Nevadar but participated sporadically (I was visiting family in Maryland at the time). Most of the ideas involved couping various feeders - the Pacific, TSP, and TEP were all candidates. Members of these regions sort of pleaded for their sovereignty to be respected, but the rest of us wouldn't have it. Sovereignty in Nationstates is a crackpot idea in my opinion, but whatever. Many of the ideas tossed around - inducing gameplay conflict, creating an antagonistic movement for players to unite against, etc, were ultimately incorporated in Westwind's Crimson Order shortly thereafter.

Westwind's original cabinet as I recall consisted of Dalimbar, New Kervoskia, Joshua, and VZ (the Swiss dude, can't spell his name unfortunately). Joshua and VZ were inactive and I was offered Joshua's cabinet slot, which I accepted. We had an offsite forum for cabinet business, away from prying admin eyes over at z13. At this point there was nothing technically nefarious going on however. Cabinet had some fallings out with the Council of Lower Officers (CLO), and as Westwind slowly gained some influence we began to privately discuss the idea of replacing the region's government with what would become known as the Crimson Order.

Westwind had also set up yet another secret forum around this point, which was used for collaborations with Gatesville, Equilism, and assorted smaller invader groups. This forum was skinned crimson red and was, as I recall, where the name 'Crimson Order' came from. Not certain about that however so take with a grain of salt. Cabinet was not even privy to this forum's existence interestingly (although we were otherwise kept abreast of ongoing developments). One idea floated was to turn the North Pacific into a colony of Equilism, although many Equilismers found this idea unsettling as I recall, and it was therefore nixed. In particular my idea was to require North Pacificans to recruit for Equilism in order to join the Regional Assembly. :)

We launched in early 2008, with a surprising amount of support from the TNP natives. Nastic even agreed to be our Vice Delegate! Ballotonia provided us with useful scripts, and the twoslit experiment expressed support as well. Basically we had wide support from many of the ancients who felt slighted by developments in the region post-Great Bight. We subdivided the region into PRP-esque provinces and named them after these people in order to appease them - which I believe worked except in Blackshear's case, who never came around despite us having a province named after him. :( sadfaces.

Activity slowly waned and we lost support from people like Kharkistania (onoes), Evil Wolf, etc. Kharkistania in particular had a very public hissy fit where he produced all sorts of outdated classified material two months too late. Alas. I had at least one or two other nations within the Crimson Order with the idea of making my IA department and the forum generally seem more active than it actually was. But that's sort of standard modus operandi with these coups honestly.

The Crimson Order is significant in my career because in retrospect it was when I took the gloves off and became a self-identified antagonistic asshole in-game. Prior to the CO I had some modest support among the 'old guard' here, and even among the defender movement. Afterwards it was never the same, and the trajectory I embarked on with the CO continues to this day.
The Crimson Order was a revelation to me. I never realised until then that you could get to be a big name in this game without being able to organise a piss up in a brewery.

The Crimson Order should have worked. But it stands as pretty much an object lesson in how NOT to coup a feeder. Despite it's many sekrit forums, the coup was the worst-kept secret in NS history. We knew the day and (if memory serves) even the minute of the announcement. We knew most of the Crimson order decisions before most of the Crimson Order did. Although I gained a lot of reputation for the victory against Westwind, in truth a lot of it was standing around incredulously watching the Crimson Order implode until it became a laughable parody of itself.

If I had been part of the CO, I would be keeping very quiet about it nowadays. In fact, I think there may be those who are less than happy that you have named them in your post, JAL.