Re: Notices


LAw requires that the elections are held 30 days after this notice is posted.

Since this notice was given a little late, the election dates should, in fairness, be put back to:

Nominations: September 5st through September 11th.
Voting: September 15th through September 21st.
Firstly, I may well have designated the dates using the forum calendar feature in advance of 30 days. Since I can't prove that, I'll link you to this RMB post instead.

Secondly, the obligation of the Delegate to designate the election dates does not give them discretion to alter them. Indeed, in April, Blue Wolf II did not designate the election dates until April 29th, just days before the opening of nominations, but he designated the dates that had already been discussed by several people as being determined by the law (including in the OP of this thread).
tis OK. we have always been a bit free and loose with which bits of the law we enforce rigorously and which ones we do not.